60 years of the CAP: hearing in the EP’s Committee on Agriculture – 8 de novembro

The public hearing “60 years of CAP: how the role of European Parliament has changed” will bring together agriculture MEPs, current and former CAP rapporteurs, current Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski, former Commissioner Franz Fischler as well as Zdeněk Nekula, Minister of Agriculture of the Czech Republic. They will debate the role of the European Parliament in shaping a modern, resilient and sustainable agricultural policy.

MEPs will discuss the upcoming challenges for a new CAP, which will start in less than 2 month, with Peter Jahr, Martin Hlaváček, Eric Andrieu, rapporteurs for the CAP reform 2021-2027. They will also debate the findings of the study on “The EP’s role in CAP decision making before and after the introduction of the ordinary legislative procedure”. The final part of the hearing will be devoted to the insights of the former rapporteurs of 2014-2020 CAP reform Luís Capoulas Santos, Michel Dantin and Giovanni La Via.

Data: Terça-feira, dia 8 de novembro de 2022

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