Shaping the CAP – How to ensure food security and green ambitions in times of crisis – 28 de junho

Recently, the agrifood sector has faced unprecedented challenges due to global warming, the Covid-19 crisis, and the war in Ukraine. Since the start of the war, calls to strengthen food security have dramatically increased across Europe.

The conflict has exacerbated surges in agricultural prices, jeopardising the ability of more vulnerable countries to import the required quantity of food. At a European level, EU officials declared that despite the consequences of the war on the agrifood sector, food security is not at risk in the bloc.

To cope with this crisis, the European Commission has asked Member States to adjust their CAP national strategic plans in consideration of the evolving geopolitical context.

In parallel, many argue that it’s necessary to keep in mind the EU Green Deal and F2F objectives, and to build a stable and sustainable food system. It will therefore be a big challenge for the new CAP to ensure food security whilst also achieving the ambitions outlined in the EU Green Deal.

Join this EURACTIV Virtual Conference to discuss the challenges faced by the new CAP in achieving food security and Green Deal ambitions.

Confirmed speakers are:

  • Tassos Haniotis, Director, Strategy & Policy analysis, DG AGRI, European Commission
  • Marlene Mortler MEP, Member AGRI Committee, Substitute ENVI Committee, European Parliament
  • Cécile Détang-Dessendre, Deputy Scientific Director of Agriculture, INRAE
  • Estelle Midler, Senior Policy Analyst, CAP and Food, IEEP
  • Paulo Gouveia, Chief Policy Advisor, Copa-Cogeca

Data: Terça – feira, dia 28 de junho de 2022

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