4.ª Conferência Europeia Xylella fastidiosa – 20 de agosto – Lyon

The 4th European Conference on Xylella fastidiosa will be held in Lyon (France) on 20 August 2023, as a Satellite event of the International Congress on Plant Pathology (ICPP2023).

The 4th European conference on Xylella fastidiosa is being organised by EFSA with the active contribution of the major EU and transnational research initiatives tackling X. fastidiosa –  BeXylBIOVEXOERC MultiX and EUPHRESCO. The conference will be chaired by Blanca B. Landa, who is coordinating the EU funded project BeXyl (Beyond Xylella), and Giuseppe Stancanelli, who leads the Plant Health Risk Assessment team at EFSA. The Scientific Committee of this conference includes scientists from all the partner organisations and external reviewers.

The presentations and discussions will take stock of the results from research that has taken place since X. fastidiosa was first detected in Europe in 2013. During this last decade, two major research projects[1] funded by the European Union have filled knowledge gaps on the distinctive elements of the outbreaks, consolidated a resilient network for monitoring and testing, and achieved results that have supported and influenced the activities of researchers, stakeholders and policy makers.

Objectives of the event

The programme of the 4th European Conference will reflect the progress of the multidisciplinary research conducted and will discuss the scientific approaches to develop and test practical and applicable solutions for control and sustainable management of Xylella fastidiosa outbreaks in the EU.

The conference sessions and discussions will cover the latest findings, data and knowledge on X. fastidiosa, including:

  • Pathogen biology, ecology and genetics;
  • Epidemiology and modelling of Xfastidiosa diseases;
  • Host plant-interactions and resistant/tolerant plant germplasm;
  • Surveillance and early detection tools;
  • Vectors biology and sustainable control strategies;
  • Endophytic microbial resources for Xfastidiosa control;
  • Sustainable and integrated pest and disease management strategies for prevention and reduction of the impact of X. Fastidiosa diseases.

Who should attend

The conference is open to researchers involved in Xylella-related topics, or who are embarking on new research into the topic. Risk assessors, risk managers and stakeholders will also be important contributors to the discussion.

Physical participation is limited to a maximum of 300 participants.

Call for abstracts

Researchers on Xylella related topics are invited to submit an abstract for oral or poster presentation on the ICPP2023 website at by 15 March 2023.

Young researchers’ initiative

EFSA will cover the accommodation and travel of a certain number of young researchers/plant health professionals to support their attendance to the 4th European Conference on Xylella fastidiosa.

To be considered for this initiative, early-career researchers/plant health professionals must:

  • be a presenter of an accepted oral or poster presentation;
  • be a PhD student or an early career investigator/plant health professional (i.e. someone who has obtained their PhD/doctorate (full-time equivalent) within the past eight years);
  • be affiliated to a public institute or higher education institute.


Please click on the above tab to register.

The deadline to register is 12 April 2023.

EFSA reserves the right to screen registrations to ensure a geographical, gender and institutional balance. Priority will be given to participants with an active role.

Confirmation of acceptance will be sent shortly after the closing of registrations.

Data: Segunda-feira, dia 20 de março de 2023

Local: Lyon, França

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