farm europe

Negotiations for the EU Budget *Monthly News* June 2019

Posted on 27/08/2019

Negotiations for the EU Budget

*Monthly News*

Time period: June 2019  


The last “balance sheet” of the discussions for the future Multiannual Financial Framework was presented to the European Affairs Council, but the document does not contain any figures at this stage, neither on the total volume nor on the amounts broken down according to the different headings. While the Commission insists that the deadline should be respected, the European Council of 20 and 21 June did not do more than inviting to follow the discussions this autumn.

June: highlights in chronology

13/06 Commissioner Oettinger pushes to maintain the timetable

18/06 Presentation of budget talks: no figures for the CAP

20-21/06 Details on the next MFF: rendez-vous in October 2019

full note available on FE members area 

