Webinar: 2.º Encontro Internacional do projecto BovINE – 2 de dezembro

This online meeting, hosted by Estonian partner Liivimaa Lihaveis, will take place virtually on the 2nd December 2021.

The aim of this event is to bring together beef farmers, advisors, suppliers, researchers and policymakers to share knowledge and exchange ideas to improve the sustainability of the European beef sector

This meeting will have live simultaneous translation into Estonian, English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Polish.

→ Inscrição ←

Programa (CET Time):

09:00-09:05 – Welcome and housekeeping (Airi Külvet-Liivi)

09:05-09:20 – Estonia’s perspective on ensuring the sustainability of the beef sector (Urmas Kruuse-Estonian Minister for Rural Affairs)

09:20-09:30 – A brief overview of BovINE (Maeve Henchion-TEAGASC)

09:30-10:30 – Exchange of Information from demonstrations:

  • Environmental Sustainability: Use of Lineseed as a nutritional strategy to decrease enteric CH4 emissions at the Fines farm
  • Socio-economic Resilience: Future and Forward Contracts
  • Animal Health & Welfare: Infrared thermography for diagnosis of lameness
  • Production Efficiency & Meat Quality: Precision Feeding

10:30 -11:15 – Exchange of Good Practices and Research innovations on Environmental Sustainability

Good Practices

  • Spain: RDP payment in Navarra to Extensive Livestock (Paola Eguinoa-INTIA)
  • Ireland: The TEAGASC Signpost Programme – a campaign to address climate action (Kevin Kinsella-IFA)

Research Innovations (Karen Goossens-ILVO)

  • Consumer pays
  • Holistic management

11:15 -11:45 – BREAK including videos from Estonian farms

11:45 -13:15 – Exchange of Good Practices and Research innovations on Socioeconomic Resilience

Good Practices

  • Portugal: EU Quality Schemes (José Pais-PROMERT)
  • Belgium : UV disinfection of rainwater in Belgium (Dirk Audenaert-BOERENBOND)

Research Innovations (Kees de Roest-CRPA)

  • The Sustainable Meat Project
  • AUTOFEED Project

Exchange of Good Practices and Research innovations on Animal Health and Welfare

Good Practices

  • France: Boviwell Diagnosis (Floriane Prost-FNB)
  • Poland: Calf and shed monitoring system: e-stado® (Jerzy Wierzbicki-PBA)

Research Innovations (Frank-Dieter Zerbe-FLI)

  • On-Farm-Scoring for Bovine Respiratory Disease
  • Mix and Match – Grouping Beef bulls affects social stress, respiratory disease and weight gain

13:15-14:15 – LUNCH

14:15-15:00 – Exchange of Good Practices and Research innovations on Production Efficiency and Meat Quality

Good Practices

  • Italy: Optimization of management in a consortium of farmers to reach better and standardized quality (Alessandro Mazzenga-UNICARVE)
  • Germany: Using a measuring tape for timing the first mating (Lena Lindau-BRS)

Research Innovations (Virginia Resconi-UNIZAR)

  • Analogue of maternal appeasing pheromones in beef cattle
  • Standardized procedure for bull evaluation in UK and Spain

15:00-15:30 – BREAK including a video on Animal Welfare Protocol in Europe by George Stilwell

15:30-16:30 – Interactive session

Defining ‘Sustainable Beef’ & BovINE’s role in defining this

16:30 – Meeting close (Maeve Henchion – TEAGASC)




