Live: ForumforAg Annual Conference 2022

Agenda and timings may be subject to change
All timings are CET

09:00 – Introduction and welcome address

– Janez Potočnik,Chair ForumforAg 2022 and Chairman RISE Foundation

Session moderated by Stephen Sackur

09:15 – Session 1
Integrating climate mitigation and biodiversity regeneration in food system transformation

Opening address and dialogue
– Per Espen Stoknes, Ass. Professor BI Norwegian Business School

Moderated panel discussion
– Alberto Arroyo Schnell, Head of Policy and Programme, IUCN European Regional Office
– Robert Horster, Global Sustainability Director Agricultural Supply Chains and Food Ingredients & Head of Environmental Markets, Cargill
– Heske Verburg, Managing Director, Solidaridad Europe
– Dirk Jacobs, Director General, FoodDrink Europe

Keynote address
– Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President, European Commission, responsible for the European Green Deal

Session moderated by Stephen Sackur

10:45 – Networking break

11:15 – Session 2
Unlocking greater collaboration between the EU and Member States to deliver food system transformation

Introduction to session and special address
– Geneviève Pons, Director General of Europe – Jacques Delors in Brussels; Honorary Director of the European Commission; Former Director of the WWF’s European Office

Moderated panel discussion
– Maciej Golubiewski, Head of Cabinet of Commissioner for Agriculture, Janusz Wojciechowski, European Commission
– Achim Irimescu, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representation of Romania to the EU
– Zeno Piatti, Austrian Farmer; Vice-President of the Austrian Land&Forst Betriebe
– Prof. Peter Pickel, John Deere Fellow and Manager External Relations

Call for action – Special address
Speaker to be announced soon

Session moderated by Rose O’Donovan

12:45 – Networking lunch break

14:00 – Session 3
Food price mechanisms: How does the food system pay for its true cost transformation?

Keynote addresses and Q&A
– Máximo Torero Cullen, Chief Economist, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
– Pavan Sukhdev, Founder & CEO, GIST Impact

Moderated panel discussion
– Julia Riss, Head of Brussels Office, Rewe Group
– Poppy Eyre, Innovation Support Officer at SusMetro for FoodSHIFT 2030
– Cliona Howie del Río, CEO, Foundation Earth

Session moderated by Stephen Sackur

15:45 – Session 4
Making healthy food the easier choice

Keynote address
– Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner, Health and Food Safety, European Commission

Moderated panel discussion
– Silviu Popovici, CEO, PepsiCo Europe
– Jack Bobo, Director, Global Food and Water Policy, The Nature Conservancy
– Katrien Verbeke, CEO, Let Us

Session moderated by Rose O’Donovan

16:40 – Closing session

Special address
– H.E. Dr. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment, Arabic Republic of Egypt

Special address
– Amina Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General, United Nations & Chair of the United Nations Sustainable Development Group

Closing address
– Janez Potočnik, Chair ForumforAg 2022 and Chairman RISE Foundation

17:10 – Event end




