JOOP 2022

A maior competição de Azeite Extra-Virgem do Japão está de volta para o seu 10º aniversário

The 10th edition of the Japan Olive Oil Prize will be held in Tokyo on April 4-8, 2022.

What is JOOP?

The Japan Olive Oil Prize is an international contest fostered by the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Japan, that aims at promoting extra-virgin olive oils of all origins in Japan. It represents a unique opportunity for producers to increase their brand awareness in international markets. In particular, Japan is the Asian country where the demand for high-quality extra-virgin olive oil grows the most.

When it comes to olive oil, we only aim for the best. JOOP is synonymous with excellence and fairness, granted by an internationally recognized panel of jurors. Participating oils are selected based on blind tasting procedures and in full accordance with the CE 2568/91 international regulations.

This is achieved through implementing the constant efforts of oil producers to improve the quality of their products and promoting them toward public and private institutions, trade distribution channels and direct consumers.

Starting from 2020 along with the qualitative awards the competition decided to introduce the Design Award, to recognize producers who have committed with passion to communicate the identity of their product through the logo, the bottling and the packaging: all very important details in a market like the Japanese one. This award wishes to bring to the attention of producers the importance of pairing a good product with an appealing brand identity.

The panel of the jury for the 3rd JOOP DESIGN AWARD is composed of some of the most prestigious names in the field of design and architecture from the most represented countries of the competition and the hosting one.

Registrations are closing March 31st, 2022!

Entry the contest today and take your olive oil to the Land of the Rising Sun!

O Japan Olive Oil Prize é um evento criado pela Câmara do Comércio Italiana no Japão, com o intuito de promover azeites extra-virgem de todo o mundo, no Japão. Representa uma oportunidade única para produtores aumentarem a visibilidade dos seus produtos em mercados interncionais. O Japão é o país asiático onde a procura por azeite extra-virgem de qualidade mais tem crescido.

Atualmente existem 5 empresas Portuguesas registadas no concurso:

Sovena Portugal Consumer Goods, Sa
Gallo Worldwide
Cooperativa Agricola De Moura Barrancos Crl
Cooperativa De Olivicultores De Valpaços, Crl
Sociedade Agricola Quinta Do Javali Lda

As inscrições fecham no dia 31 de março, 2022!

Inscreva-se aqui:

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JOOP 2022 – 4 a 8 de abril – Tokyo




