Copa Cogeca

Important signal to the organic farming world from the European Parliament’s AGRI Committee

The European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee adopted today by unanimity its report on the Organic Action Plan, proposed by the European Commission last year. Copa and Cogeca welcome the good work done by the Committee, led by MEP Simone Schmiedtbauer. The report acknowledges several important aspects for European farmers and agri-cooperatives.

The report specifically underlines the different starting points of Member States, calling for a strong market driven approach, where a holistic supply chain development, supported by proper policy measures, is needed. It also highlights the need to support farmers in their conversion procedure, as well as the importance of the Unfair Trading Practices Directive for the development of the sector, as to ensure that retailers do not excessively benefit of the higher margins on organic products. The report also focuses on the importance of supporting organic livestock farming and the development of the organic aquaculture sector; two of the sectors where the potential organic increase is the highest.

Furthermore, Copa and Cogeca welcome the focus of the report on strengthening the EU school schemes, the green public procurement and the European organic logo; all important elements for building a stronger sector. In addition, European farmers and agri-cooperatives welcome the clear and strong request on strengthening the use of digital technologies and research and innovation to support the development of the sector. Considering the increase in frequency and strengths of adverse climate change events, organic farmers also need new tools and better inputs, to ensure that productivity of their fields and profitability will not be compromised.

Ms Lone Andersen, chairwoman of Copa Cogeca’s Working Party Organic commented, “I welcome this clear and strong report prepared by the Committee of Agriculture in the European Parliament. The report focuses on several important aspects that are vital for the organic farming community, especially in the view of reaching the objectives set out in the Farm to Fork Strategy. European farmers and agri-cooperatives need a strong market driven approach, as well as new and better inputs to remain competitive and viable. All these aspects are included in the report and therefore I am very content of the work done by Members of the European Parliament”.

In line with the report on the Farm to Fork Strategy approved by the European Parliament in late 2021, Copa and Cogeca welcome the request for an impact assessment on the objective for increasing the share of the EU’s agricultural area under organic farming.

Copa and Cogeca encourage the European Parliament to fully support the report in the May plenary.

O artigo foi publicado originalmente em Copa Cogeca.

