Copa Cogeca

The European Parliament takes a clear stand on the future of organic farming

The report on the Organic Action Plan, which focused on several important topics for European farmers and agri-cooperatives, was approved in the Plenary today. The report was adopted following the unanimous approval by the Committee of
Agriculture on the 6th of April.

Copa and Cogeca welcome the adoption of the report as it includes different important aspects for European farmers and agri-cooperatives, and congratulate the Committee for the good work on this file, led by MEP Simone Schmiedtbauer.

By adopting the report the European Parliament recognises the vital role of a market driven approach in the transition to organic farming, while underlining that the transition should be supported not only through the CAP’s support, but also by a sound development in the quantity and quality of inputs needed by farmers, such as seeds and plant protection products, in line with the organic requirements. Climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic and the recent crises due to the invasion of Russia in Ukraine, have underlined how important it is to have an efficient and effective organic agriculture. The use of digital and innovative technologies requested by the Plenary represents a clear indication for the European legislators to move forward quickly on this matter.

Ms Lone Andersen, Chairwoman of Copa and Cogeca’s Working Party Organic commented, “I am glad that the European Parliament sends an important message to the organic farming community. European organic farmers and agri-cooperatives need a close and strong collaboration with EU institutions and stakeholders if we want to achieve the ambitious targets set out by the Farm to Fork Strategy. I hope this non-legislative report will send a clear message to legislators for their future work”.

In line with the report on the Farm to Fork Strategy approved by the European Parliament in late 2021, Copa and Cogeca welcome the request for an impact assessment on the objective to increase the share of the EU’s agricultural area under organic farming.

Copa and Cogeca thank all Members of the European Parliament for their work on this file and hope that the future legislation will closely follow the clear and strong indications presented in this report.

Artigo publicado originalmente em Copa Cogeca.

