
Oferta de Emprego – Master Researcher – Engenheiro Agrónomo – Elvas

InnovPlantProtect is looking for a highly motivated researcher in the area of Plant Biotechnology with very good team working abilities, willing to join a young and very active team, in a friendly environment, at an institution aiming to develop products and services to protect crops against pests and diseases.

Main responsibilities
This researcher reports directly to the Director of the Department of Protection of Specific Crops of InnovPlantProtect and has the following responsibility:
• To work with plant cell and tissue culture materials;
• To analyze genome, transcriptome, proteome and sRNAs involved in plant-pathogen interaction;
• To access molecular markers associated with plant resistance to pathogens.

Specific requirements
• Master degree in Plant Biotechnology, Molecular Biology or related field;
• Experience in Biotechnology;
• Knowledge on Molecular Breeding;
• Fluency in English, spoken and written.

InnovPlantProtect is a private non-profit association

InnovPlantProtect aims to create innovation for the protection of crops, seeds and post-harvest products, in particular through:
• Development of new technologies and knowledge, as well as the improvement of previously developed technologies, to protect crops, seeds and post-harvest products, as well as their intellectual protection and availability;
• Development of applied scientific research to introduce the developed technologies in the market, and to develop processes and products;
• Provide technical support to companies and entities, public or private, assisting them in the introduction of biotechnological strategies, methods and processes, and in the orientation and implementation of industrial research and development, directed towards the protection of crops, seeds and post-harvest products;
• Collaboration with public or private institutions, national or foreign in their areas of activity.

The place of work will be the headquarters of InnovPlantProtect, at the INIAV Elvas pole, in the former National Plant Breeding Station (Elvas, Portugal).

Estrada de Gil Vaz, Apartado 72 7351-901 Elvas PORTUGAL  (+351) 268 096 127  

Salary and contract
A full-time contract will be offered, starting July 1st, 2022. The contract will last until December, 31, 2022, being renewed annually, and with a trial period of 30 days. The contract will be renewed past 2022 depending on further financial support.

All the activities to be developed will be subject to confidentiality clauses.

The gross value of the remuneration will be 1544,00€ (14 months – 21 616€/year) plus 4,77€ of lunch subsidy per working day.

Financial Support
This contract is co-financed by the European Social Fund and Alentejo 2020, under the Operation: Highly qualified employment in companies – Hiring Highly Qualified Human Resources (PME or CoLAB). Project reference: ALT20-59-2018-49

To apply for this position, the following documents should be sent in a single PDF document:
• Curriculum vitae (CV)
• Motivation letter
• Honor statement that all data provided in the CV is true

(If the selected candidate does not hold a master degree by a Portuguese Higher Education Institution, its recognition by the Portuguese State must be delivered after signing the contract, under the terms of the Portuguese Decree-Law No. 66/2018)

Where to send the application
To the care of the Chief Executive Officer of InnovPlantProtect Collaborative Lab, Professor Pedro Fevereiro (

This call is open from May 4th to May 27th, with a decision expected on June 9th, 2020. Starting date July, 1st 2022.

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