Copa Cogeca

CAP transition measures – same rules, same funds!

[Fonte: Copa Cogeca] Last week the European Commission published its first proposal for the CAP transitional provisions, which are crucial for the continuation of the EU landmark policy. For Copa and Cogeca, the transition measures should not be an excuse for subjecting the CAP to new cuts. How can we explain to European farmers and cooperatives that the same rules do not deserve the same funds?

The CAP transition measures that were published today by the EU are likely to result in a 11% cut  in  every  farmer’s  direct  payment  in  October  2020,  with  further  more  severe  cuts  in  farm schemes under the CAP’s second pillar. Farmers cannot afford these cuts. Commenting on the Commission’s  publication,  Pekka  Pesonen,  Copa-Cogeca  Secretary  General  said,  “We  cannot accept the CAP budget being subject to a cut as significant as the one proposed in the MFF. The CAP  budget  must  be,  at  least,  maintained  in  real  terms.  This  also  implies  that  during  the transition  period  there  cannot  be  any  cuts  to  the  funding.  Member  States  must  be  able  to deliver direct  payments  to  their  farmers  in  full  and  also  continue  to  support  the  measures currently supported under Pillar II.”

Copa and Cogeca also recognise the need for a swift decision on the transitional regulation to provide farmers and their cooperatives with stability and financial continuity. According to Pekka Pesonen, “since it is not possible to have the future CAP implemented from 1st January 2021, it is important to secure a transitional set of rules that should function as a bridge between the two set of rules – the current CAP and the CAP post 2020. Any new measures and interventions should only come with the CAP post 2020. For this, we need a clear commitment and timely decision from the European Parliament.”

Another crucial point is the timeline of the transition regulation. While work on the CAP post 2020 progresses, the transition should ensure a smooth evolution of rules. It should allow Member States to have the time to properly develop their Strategic Plans, the European Commission the time to approve them in order for Member States to be able to effectively implement them. In the eyes of farmers and cooperatives, this would mean that on the last day of the transition period, all Member States would need to have operational Strategic Plans that are ready to be put in place the next day. In this regard, we must also ensure adequately timed progress on the CAP post 2020 work, ironing out any hurdles that could hamper the new rules.

