Categoria: Futuro da PAC

  • La CE recibe más de 320.000 respuestas a la consulta pública de la PAC

    La CE recibe más de 320.000 respuestas a la consulta pública de la PAC

    Tras el cierre del período de 12 semanas de consulta pública sobre modernización y simplificación de la Política Agrícola Común en la medianoche del 2 de mayo de 2017, las cifras preliminares indican que la Comisión Europea ha recibido más de 320.000 respuestas de los 28 países de la UE. Casi un 8% del total…

  • El GIS pide que la innovación tenga más peso en la reforma de la PAC

    El GIS pide que la innovación tenga más peso en la reforma de la PAC

    El Grupo de Innovación Sostenible para el Sector Alimentario (GIS), foro de trabajo que promueve la innovación práctica aplicada a la agroalimentación, pretende participar también en el debate que ahora comienza sobre la futura Política Agrícola Común (PAC) reclamando un mayor peso de la innovación en la futura legislación. Para el GIS, la PAC es…

  • The future CAP post 2020

    The future CAP post 2020

    A COPA – Confederação Geral das Cooperativas Agrárias Europeias e o Cogeca – Comité das Organizações Profissionais Agrárias expuseram no dia 27 de Abril os pontos a serem trabalhados para a futura PAC .



    Michel Barnier, the European Commission lead Brexit negotiator, participated today in a breakfast-debate in Farm Europe on the challenges of Brexit to the EU at large, and in particular to the EU agri-food sector. As highlighted in Farm Europe’s report, Brexit will have a powerful impact on the EU agri-food sector, under any of the possible…

  • A sustainable approach towards biofuels in the Palm oil debate

    A sustainable approach towards biofuels in the Palm oil debate

    This week, the European Parliament voted on a report “calling on the European Commission to take measures to ensure among others the phasing out of palm oil in biofuels by 2020 and a single certification scheme for palm oil entering the EU market”. This report tackled the highly debated issue of imported palm oil, and…



    In the context of the 2007 dispute between the French Competition Authority and the association of producers selling endives as well as other operators, the French Court of Cassation filed a complaint with the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) about the capacity of these organisations, producers, associations of producers’ organizations and other operators…



    Dark clouds are gathering over the horizon, and they are not promising healthy showers. They rather risk bringing a storm that is gaining strength around the new US Administration intentions. A border adjustment tax, or an internal revenue tax mechanism, is being considered to promote exports and tax imports. Another tool being examined would tackle…

  • No Commission proposal to increase greening ‘EFA’ requirement to 7%

    No Commission proposal to increase greening ‘EFA’ requirement to 7%

    The European Commission has decided not to increase the minimum percentage of a farm’s arable land area that must be devoted to ‘Ecological Focus Area’ (EFA) in order to receive the full CAP Pillar One (P1) direct payment. In a long-awaited report released yesterday (March 29), the EU executive outlined that in 2015 almost eight…

  • Conclusiones de la Conferencia “Construyendo la PAC del futuro post 2020”

    Conclusiones de la Conferencia “Construyendo la PAC del futuro post 2020”

    El secretario general de Agricultura y Alimentación, Carlos Cabanas, presentó ayer las principales conclusiones de la Conferencia “Construyendo la PAC del futuro post 2020”, organizada por el Ministerio para escuchar las opiniones de todos los implicados en este proceso. A partir de ellas se empezará a trabajar en una propuesta de posición común que deberá…

  • Address to the Forum for the Future of Agriculture – Is the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) fit for the SDG age?

    Address to the Forum for the Future of Agriculture – Is the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) fit for the SDG age?

    [Fonte: Comissão Europeia] Distinguished guests, fellow panellists, ladies and gentlemen, It is a pleasure to be here again at the FFA this year. Those of you were here last year will recall that this event coincided with the horrific bombings which claimed 32 innocent lives, which we remembered last week. It’s a sobering note on…

  • Next CAP reform ‘must go further’ on environmental protection – Hogan

    Next CAP reform ‘must go further’ on environmental protection – Hogan

    The next reform of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) “must go further” on protecting the environment and slowing climate change, EU Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan has said.

  • Forging a new ambition for the EU livestock sector

    Forging a new ambition for the EU livestock sector

    Brussels, 21st March 2017 – Today, Farm Europe organized a discussion on the “Future of the EU livestock sector – The way forward”, at the European Parliament under the patronage of Vice President Mairead McGuinness and Michel Dantin, MEP. The European beef sector is one of the most important agri-food sectors in Europe. It is characterized by great diversity and it is…



     This question is on the minds of many, farmers and others in the agri-food sector alike. They question whether it is worthwhile to start debating, preparing a new CAP reform when the current policy is barely on its third year of implementation. That does not mean that people think the current policy offers full satisfaction.…

  • Reflections on the evolution of the European regulation on Animal Welfare: state-of-the art and potential improvements

    Reflections on the evolution of the European regulation on Animal Welfare: state-of-the art and potential improvements

    Today, in our society, the safeguard of the ecosystem as a common good is an issue, which is becoming every day more relevant. Being an activity with a notable correlation to environmental issues, food safety, health and respect for animal welfare, animal husbandry deserves particular attention in order to guarantee both its economic and environmental…

  • Good Food, Good Farming – Now!

    Good Food, Good Farming – Now!

    Mais de 150 organizações da sociedade civil (OCS) e ONG´s europeias reuniram-se para exigir melhores políticas alimentares e agrícolas para a Europa.

  • Portugal antecipa documento sobre futuro da PAC na União Europeia

    Portugal antecipa documento sobre futuro da PAC na União Europeia

    Portugal apresentou contributo para o futuro da PAC, no dia 6 de Março 2017, no Conselho de Ministros, em Bruxelas.

  • Capoulas Santos quer discutir com académicos e agricultores futuro da PAC

    Capoulas Santos quer discutir com académicos e agricultores futuro da PAC

    O ministro da Agricultura anunciou hoje, em Bruxelas, que vai constituir um grupo de acompanhamento para o ajudar a definir as posições de Portugal na negociação sobre o futuro da Política Agrícola Comum (PAC), “a mais difícil” de sempre. Em declarações aos jornalistas após o conselho de ministros da Agricultura da União Europeia que marcou…

  • La PAC necesita recuperar el Norte

    La PAC necesita recuperar el Norte

    Si algo nos demostró el último año y lo que llevamos de 2017, es que nada está escrito y que la realidad y las reacciones del ser humano son imprevisibles. Creímos que Reino Unido no saldría de la Unión Europea y, sin embargo, sus habitantes votaron a favor del Brexit; creímos que no ganaría Trump,…

  • Farm Europe pays tribute to Xavier Beulin

    Farm Europe pays tribute to Xavier Beulin

    Posted on 20/02/201721/02/2017 – Posted by Farm Europe Xavier Beulin, a fervent defender of farmers and their food related industry, was convinced that, above all, the European Union would offer them the best protection against the challenges of tomorrow.   Xavier Beulin was a demanding European who worried about the current state of the European…

  • Productivity in EU agriculture: barely growing, and for the wrong reasons

    Productivity in EU agriculture: barely growing, and for the wrong reasons

    Meeting the future demand for food will largely depend on the ability of the farming sector to increase its production by improving its productivity. Essentially, an improvement in agricultural productivity means that less input is needed to produce the same amount (or more) of output. In other words, this means that farmers are faced with…

  • Economic and environmental ambition must drive the future CAP

    Economic and environmental ambition must drive the future CAP

    Today, Farm Europe presented the final report of the 2016 edition of the Global Food Forum to the EU institutions, in the context of the public consultation on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) launched by the European Commission last week. “Time has come to table a real economic strategy for EU agriculture and…

  • Pac 2020 La Confédération paysanne défend une politique agricole et alimentaire commune

    Pac 2020 La Confédération paysanne défend une politique agricole et alimentaire commune

    Alors que la Commission européenne vient de lancer une consultation publique d’une durée de trois mois sur l’avenir de la politique agricole commune après 2020, la Confédération paysanne demande une Pac qui permettrait de garantir « un revenu aux paysans, de remettre en place des outils de régulation des marchés, de maîtrise et de répartition des volumes, de…

  • Questionário sobre o futuro da PAC 2020 termina a 2 de Maio -participe aqui!

    Questionário sobre o futuro da PAC 2020 termina a 2 de Maio -participe aqui!

    A Comissão Europeia iniciou a Consulta Pública sobre o futuro da PAC pós 2020. O questionário já se encontra disponível.

  • O futuro da PAC pós 2020 – Phil Hogan

    O futuro da PAC pós 2020 – Phil Hogan

    A Política Agrícola Comum (PAC) é a história de uma parceria dinâmica entre cidadãos, agricultores e a União Europeia. A PAC trouxe a Europa de um tempo de escassez de alimentos para a situação de hoje onde os cidadãos Europeus desfrutam dos mais altos padrões de qualidade e segurança alimentar do mundo. Em Portugal, a PAC…



    Posted on 20/12/201620/12/2016 – Posted by Farm Europe Farm Europe welcome ICSA as a new member and active contributor. This cooperation enables the think tank to gather more expertise on the EU livestock sector’s challenges and potential. If the EU is willing to materialise the ideal of the CAP as a lever for a lively agriculture all…

  • Trade: where are we heading ?

    Trade: where are we heading ?

    Since the election of Donald Trump as the new US President the troubles facing big trade deals have reached a new stage. The TPP was already before the election under strong opposition in the US Congress. Any hopes that he might still be ratified in the “lame duck season” have faded away, and its future…

  • Second generation biofuels is not for tomorrow…

    Second generation biofuels is not for tomorrow…

    On November 30, the European Commission finally detailed the new clean energy package of measures. Among the new proposals, it was announced the inclusion of targets to substantially increase the use of advanced  biofuels in the transport fuel mix between 2020 and 2030, while reducing the EU ceiling for first generation biofuels (e.g. biodiesel from rapeseed & bioethanol…

  • Food, nutrition and health. A step in the right direction?

    Food, nutrition and health. A step in the right direction?

    Undoubtedly, there is nowadays a growing sentiment towards food and its effects on health. People are worried about health risks related to certain foods. In practice, the selective approach that is prevailing, focuses exclusively on nutrition, putting aside other considerations – culture, sociology, genetics, environment, employment, economics and internal market – that are also crucial…

  • Brexit and the CAP

    Brexit and the CAP

    Um estudo de pormenor feito por Daniel Guégen, antigo Secretário Geral do COPA/COGECA, e Michel Jacquot, antigo membro do gabinete de Delors. O estudo avalia as possibilidades de contiuar ou não a haver acesso ao mercado da UE, desde que o Reino Unido respeite a maioria da legislação da UE. Descarregue o estudo em pdf

  • Pacote leite será reanalisado pela CE e possívelmente prolongado – Video -declarações de funcionária da CE

    Pacote leite será reanalisado pela CE e possívelmente prolongado – Video -declarações de funcionária da CE

    Video de Brigitte Misonne, la mise en œuvre du “paquet lait” dans l’UE.

  • Producing Fuel and Feeds – a matter of security and sustainability for Europe

    Producing Fuel and Feeds – a matter of security and sustainability for Europe

    PRESS RELEASE Brussels, November 29, 2016 Today, Farm Europe presented its report on biofuels in the context of the debates on the “Low-Emission Mobility Strategy” and the upcoming Renewable Energy Directive (RED II). The report analyses the impact of the development of biofuels in the European Union over the period 2005-2015 on agricultural land, food…

  • Estudo do Parlamento Europeu sobre PAC post 2020

    Estudo do Parlamento Europeu para preparar a “workshop” sobre o futuro da PAC pós 2020 realizado a 8 de Novembro. Temas: futuro dos pagamentos diretos, gestão de risco e Desenvolvimento Rural. Descarregue o estudo em pdf

  • Task Force de Mercados Agrícolas criada pelo Comissário produz relatório

    Task Force de Mercados Agrícolas criada pelo Comissário produz relatório

    Task Force dedicada a melhorar a posição dos agricultores na cadeia alimentar, criada pelo comissário em Janeiro 2016 produziu relatório que vai ser analisado por Conselho de Ministros da UE.

  • Comité de Agricultura do PE aprova parecer de iniciativa sobre mecanismos para volatilidade de mercados

    O parecer constata que os mecanismos atuais são insuficientes para combater a volatilidade dos mercados. Apela à CE que use os atuais mecanismos de gestão de risco ao seu máximo, e que crie novos, entre os quais ajudas contracíclicas. O documento terá agora que ser aprovado pelo plenário. Download pdf

  • For a new deal in the EU food chain

    For a new deal in the EU food chain

    Posted on 08/11/201608/11/2016 – Posted by Horacio Aleman & Yves Madre As soon as the European Commission announced the launching of the Agricultural Markets Task Force, Farm Europe worked actively in order to analyse the best ways to improve the functioning of the EU food chain. We have been working with a wide range of different…

  • Briefing do Parlamento Europeu sobre Instrumentos de Estabilização de Rendimento e volatilidade de preços nos mercados agrícolas

    Este briefing resume com qualidade os instrumentos de Estabilização de rendimento, seguros, etc… existentes. Indica também que há probabilidade da Comissão Europeia apresentar durante o Verão de 2017 uma Comunicação sobre a futura PAC, incluindo este tipo de mecanismos. Download – pdf

  • What I want from Europe, GFF2016 opening speech

    What I want from Europe, GFF2016 opening speech

    Opening Speechof the Global Food Forum By Mario Guidi, The Global Food Forum is a place to speak frankly, in our own name. It is a place to leave at the door the usual ready-made speeches – the Line To Take as we say in Brussels. We are here in Pavia, at the heart of…

  • The Global Food Forum: Defining the Future of our Agriculture

    The Global Food Forum: Defining the Future of our Agriculture

    PRESS RELEASE Pavia, Italy – 16 October 2016 This weekend, more than 200 representatives from 18 different EU Member States participated in the Global Food Forum, which took place on a farm close to Pavia (Italy). Economic leaders, representatives of EU institutions and governments reflected, together, on the future challenges and the need of a renewed vision for the agricultural…

  • Drawing together the future of EU agri-food systems

    Drawing together the future of EU agri-food systems

    The Global Food Forum will take place on 14 and 15 October, on a farm close to Milan (Italy). Organised by the think tank Farm Europe in partnership with Confagricoltura, the event will gather more than 200 top representatives from the European institutions, national administrations, farmers’ organisations, companies and experts, who are coming from all across the EU and are willing to reflect…

  • “Principles for a future cap for the EU 27”

    Artigo de Anne Maréchal do IEEP (Institute for European Environmental Policy) “principles for a future cap for the EU 27 outlined at the agricultural ministers meeting in chambord.” Ir para o artigo