Categoria: Futuro da PAC
Inovação e crescimento da agricultura Portuguesa
Apresentação de Francisco Avilez no roteiro da CAP.
Instrumentos de gestão de risco da PAC 2014-2020 e o Farm Bill
Estudo do Parlamento Europeu.
Contribuição de França para o debate do futuro da Pac pós 2020
Contribuição de França para o debate do futuro da Pac pós 2020. Download – pdf
Comunicado de imprensa Chambord
Comunicado de imprensa da reunião entre Ministros da UE organizada pelo Ministro Francês em Chambord a 2 de Setembro. Esta reunião inicia de forma mais formal as discussões sobre a PAC pós 2020. Download do Comunicado – pdf
Farm Europe discussing risk management tools with Young farmers (CEJA)
CEJA young farmer representatives from around Europe have gathered together today in Brussels to discuss the topic of risk management tools and insurance. This morning, Mr. Yves Madre (Farm Europe) is presenting to CEJA young farmer representatives on Farm Europe’s view of risk management tools and insurance in the agricultural sector.
The Milk Reduction Scheme: Good news for a truly European approach
The European Commission can rightly be proud of the success of the milk reduction scheme launched in early September. With 1,07 million tonnes to be withdrawn from the market, the €150 million milk reduction scheme announced in July has shown its capacity to be an effective tool to rebalance the market and contribute to the upwards recovery of…
Apresentação de João Pacheco na Agroglobal
Necessidade urgente de investir na competitividade
At the July 18 meeting of European Agricultural Ministers the European Commission presented a new package of emergency measures to help European dairy farmers who have been suffering for the last two years from collapsing market prices. In brief: The Commission appears to have accepted the principle that the European market needs to be rebalanced…
Science, media and decision making on food and nutrition
On June 15 , Farm Europe organized a Seminar on Science, Media and Decision Making on Food and Nutrition with the aim of launching the debate on the topic and trying to propose ideas on how to improve the relation and interaction among science, media and decision makers. The strong interest and participation to a…
Global Food Forum: where does the future of the CAP lie?
Bucharest – July 8th, 2016. In the wake of the Global Food Forum, which will take place on the 14-15 October 2016, Farm Europe organised, in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture of Romania, a regional event to take stock of the most pressing concerns in the new Member States when it comes to the Common…
BREXIT: European Agriculture Policy must pull itself together
Of course, CAP can definitely face technically and financially, the choice of the UK to leave the European Union. However, it must, above all, draw the necessary political conclusions. It is urgent for the EU to assume daily its true responsibilities, and especially to support, one of the greatest achievement of European integration: the Common…
The CAP can cope with a Brexit
A Brexit would not be a serious blow for the CAP from a budgetary point of view, taking into account the British rebate and the return on contributions level: the CAP is the policy area to which the UK is the least net contributor. The impact of a Brexit would be first and foremost concentrated on…
Milk Crisis: Europe must act quickly
26.05.2016 – Brussels. Today, Farm Europe hosted a reflection group on the situation of the global milk market, gathering key players and high representatives on both EU and global milk markets. The milk crisis is entering its second consecutive year, with no hope of a recovery in the short term. Farms are disappearing daily. If…
New Normal : Sustained low agricultural prices or more volatility ?
On May 3 Farm Europe hosted a debate on how Climate Change is impacting agriculture and food systems in a world experiencing more instable and volatile markets. The background was an event under the Heading ”Food Chain Reaction: A Global Food Security Game” which took place Washington, D.C in November 2015, and where Farm Europe…
While the debate on the necessary evolution of the future CAP is about to rebound, thanks to the informal Council of agricultural ministers and to the Dutch presidency, this weekend, it is a good opportunity to come back on the discussion that has been on going around Farm Europe activities for now more than one…
Climate Change and Market Volatility: A global overview of Policy Actions to build resilient food systems
Today, Farm Europe hosted a debate on how Climate Change is impacting agriculture and food systems in a world experiencing more instable and volatile markets. Food production has become very interdependent and supply side shocks due to draught, disease, severe climate events and lately climate change contribute to a high degree of volatility on output.…
On the road to reformulation of food products?
COMMENTS ON THE DUTCH PRESIDENCY EU CONFERENCE ON FOOD PRODUCTS IMPROVEMENT. Earlier this year, the Dutch Presidency brought together representatives of Member States, International Organizations and European stakeholders, in order to discuss (about) one of the most controversial issues (apart from taxes) in the fight against obesity: reformulation of food products. The Dutch Presidency has…
Beyond the Crisis: Paving the way for the sustainable growth of EU agri-food systems
Since 2006, when farm incomes in Europe and in the United States were still balanced, the US has managed to double its farmers’ incomes, while the EU has experienced stagnation and even a slight decrease across the same period. This analysis of the evolution of farmers’ incomes on both sides of the Atlantic was presented…