Categoria: Organizações

  • Wine sector: What did we miss during the just ended Summer Break?

    Wine sector: What did we miss during the just ended Summer Break?

    Posted on 06/09/2019 – Posted by Farm Europe Here below a quick “catch-up exercise” with latest news and market insights from the wine sector. First of all, on 1 July 2019 the full text of the EU-Mercosur Association Agreement (reached on 28 June 2019) was published. Wine is amongst the key agri-food products of EU export…

  • New Breeding Techniques  *Monthly News*   June 2019

    New Breeding Techniques *Monthly News* June 2019

    Posted on 27/08/2019 – Posted by Farm Europe New Breeding Techniques *Monthly News* Time Period: June 2019   An informal meeting of EU Ministers of Agriculture and Fisheries was held at the beginning of this month in Romania. Among the main topics on the agenda, agricultural research & innovation was central. MEP De Castro made a…

  • Negotiations on CAP reform  *Monthly News*  June 2019

    Negotiations on CAP reform *Monthly News* June 2019

    Posted on 27/08/2019 – Posted by Farm Europe Negotiations on CAP reform *Monthly News* Time period: June 2019  June was marked as follows: At the informal summit in Sibiu on 3 and 4 June, the Romanian Presidency of the Council took note of the fact that it would not finally lead towards a partial general…

  • Negotiations for the EU Budget  *Monthly News*  June 2019

    Negotiations for the EU Budget *Monthly News* June 2019

    Posted on 27/08/2019 – Posted by Farm Europe Negotiations for the EU Budget *Monthly News* Time period: June 2019     The last “balance sheet” of the discussions for the future Multiannual Financial Framework was presented to the European Affairs Council, but the document does not contain any figures at this stage, neither on the…

  • Wine sector: Policy & Regulatory framework  *Monthly News* May 2019

    Wine sector: Policy & Regulatory framework *Monthly News* May 2019

    Posted on 26/08/2019 – Posted by Farm Europe Wine sector: Policy & Regulatory framework *Monthly News* Time Period: May 2019 This month, the main highlights for the wine sector at EU and global level range from further reflections and thoughts on copper use (in France mainly), new adopted rules (at EU level), which are aimed at…

  • New Breeding Techniques  *Monthly News*  May 2019

    New Breeding Techniques *Monthly News* May 2019

    Posted on 26/08/2019 – Posted by Farm Europe New Breeding Techniques *Monthly News* Time Period: May 2019   The ECJ ruling on NBTs of last July continues to provide ground for debates at EU level (and not only). At the end of last month, 22 European business organizations representing a vast array of stakeholders (i.g. producers, processors…

  • Negotiations on CAP reform  *Monthly News*  May 2019

    Negotiations on CAP reform *Monthly News* May 2019

    Posted on 26/08/2019 – Posted by Farm Europe Negotiations on CAP reform *Monthly News* Time period: May 2019  May was marked as follows: – EU Agriculture Ministers spoke during last Agri-Fish Council meeting on the proposed CAP performance framework, with positions oscillating between an annual evaluation, an evaluation every two years and two evaluations over…

  • Negotiations for the EU Budget  *Monthly News* May 2019

    Negotiations for the EU Budget *Monthly News* May 2019

    Posted on 26/08/201926/08/2019 – Posted by Farm Europe Negotiations for the EU Budget *Monthly News* Time period: May 2019     The work of the CAP reform is progressing as best they could, but the timetable has not changed and the certainty regarding the agricultural budget 2021-2027 will not come into play until October. The budget…

  • Risk and crisis management tools in Agriculture *Monthly News* March-April 2019

    Risk and crisis management tools in Agriculture *Monthly News* March-April 2019

    Posted on 21/08/201921/08/2019 – Posted by Farm Europe Risk and crisis management tools in Agriculture *Monthly News* Time period: March-April 2019     The Member of the Agricultural Committee voted on April 8ththe Horizontal Regulation which is the cornerstone of the reform package of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) proposed by the Commission. The concept of a new agricultural reserve, well-funded and…

  • Negotiations for the EU Budget  *Monthly News* April 2019

    Negotiations for the EU Budget *Monthly News* April 2019

    Farm Europe is a think tank that aims to stimulate thinking on rural economies in the European Union. The think tank focuses on all policy areas that impact on rural business with a strong emphasis on agriculture and food policies, particularly the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), but also food standards, the food chain, environment, energy…

  • Negotiations on CAP reform *Monthly News* March-April 2019

    Negotiations on CAP reform *Monthly News* March-April 2019

    Negotiations on CAP reform Monthly News March-April 2019 European Parliament: Comagri operates a major community reframing of the reform project   March was marked by the elaboration of the drafting of the compromise amendments by ComAgri MEPs on the three texts of the reform rapporteurs, to reinforce the commonality of the rules, as well as…

  • Wine sector *Monthly News*   April 2019

    Wine sector *Monthly News* April 2019

    Posted on 20/08/2019 – Posted by Farm Europe Wine sector: Policy & Regulatory framework *Monthly News* Time Period: April 2019 This month started withthe awaited votes of the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee (ComAgri) on negotiation positions on the CAP post-2020 reform package, namely the new EU rules for the Common Market Organisation in agricultural products (April…

  • NBT’s * Monthly News * March-April 2019

    NBT’s * Monthly News * March-April 2019

    Posted on 20/08/2019 – Posted by Farm Europe New Breeding Techniques *Monthly News* Time Period: March – April 2019   Persistent concerns but mainly doubts over what the ECJ ruling on NBTs actually means in concrete terms for Member States, are far from being exhausted. At the same time, many research projects of gene-editing adoption in…

  • Improve the link between Science, innovation, agriculture and food

    Improve the link between Science, innovation, agriculture and food

    FICHE  Improve the link between Science, innovation, agriculture and food Today, the agri-food sectors are more than ever confronted with 3 major demands from our society: To provide safe and quality foodnot only to European citizens but as well to world markets, To keep rural areas lively and viable. This means, first and foremost to…



    FICHE FOOD CHAIN, NUTRITION AND WELLBEING. The European food chain is facing a big challenge, which is to find a harmonious and positive relationship between diet and health. This is mainly due to the fact that, the EU agro food model is constantly evolving and improving, and its relationship with health issues is becoming growingly…



    Posted on 14/08/2019 – Posted by Farm Europe FICHE ENVIRONMENT AND AGRICULTURE   The EU has pledged to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 40% by 2030. Agriculture and agro-forestry have an important role to play to sequester and store carbon, and there is scope to reduce emissions using more efficient and sustainable production methods.…



    Posted on 13/08/2019 – Posted by Farm Europe FICHE AGRICULTURE ECONOMIC CHALLENGES   Farmers’ incomes, productivity and investment The agriculture sector is facing severe headwinds. Farmers’ incomes have stagnated, and according to the European Commission forecasts they are bound to drop by a staggering 14% (in real terms) in the next decade, taking into account…

  • Stepping up EU Action to Protect and Restore the World’s Forests

    Stepping up EU Action to Protect and Restore the World’s Forests

    Communication from the European Commission Stepping up EU Action to Protect and Restore the World’s Forests. 2019, July 24th After last December’s announcement of the EU’s initiative to “step up European Action against Deforestation and Forest Degradation”, the European Commission has published yesterday its Communication“ on stepping up EU Action to Protect and Restore the World’s Forests.” The…



    Posted on 09/08/2019 – Posted by Farm Europe FICHE BIOFUELS AND AGRICULTURE Biofuels produced from EU feedstock (mostly from colza, maize , sugar beet and wheat) generates at least 6.6 billion euros of direct revenue for EU farmers. In addition, the bioethanol industry is said to have created70 000 direct and indirect jobs since the…

  • Ursula von der Leyen – political guidelines

    Ursula von der Leyen – political guidelines

    Posted on 08/08/2019 – Posted by Farm Europe  16/07/2019 Ursula von der Leyen   On 16 July 2019, Ursula von der Leyen (DE, EPP), the designated Candidate for President of the European Commission – chosen and backed by the European Council, presented her political guidelines for the upcoming five years to the Members of European Parliament. In…

  • MEPs in the European Parliament – 9th parliamentary term

    MEPs in the European Parliament – 9th parliamentary term

    MEPs in the European Parliament 9th parliamentary term 2019 – 2024 2019 July The European Parliament, which has come out of the polls on May 26, will be responsible for guiding the European agricultural and agri-food sectors for the next decade. In this context it has to define a framework that meets the dual challenges to…

  • Which CAP for the European Union in the 21st century?

    Which CAP for the European Union in the 21st century?

    Common Agricultural Policy Which CAP for the European Union in the 21st century? The Common Agricultural Policy was founded to respond to the challenge of food sovereigntyin Europe, on the basis of the fact that a pooling of financial means and the definition of common political guidelines are more effective than the sum of potentially…

  • 6 safety-cones to secure a more efficient and truly common CAP

    6 safety-cones to secure a more efficient and truly common CAP

    CAP reform   In view of the Commission’s proposal, 6 safety-cones to secure a more efficient and truly common CAP A CAP reform proposed by Commissioner Hogan centered on a new governance that confuses flexibilities and renationalization… The reform proposal presented by the Commission on the 1stof June 2018 is above all a proposal for an…

  • 2% administrative cost and 15 hours a year: is the 2013 CAP really burdensome for farmers?

    2% administrative cost and 15 hours a year: is the 2013 CAP really burdensome for farmers?

    11 July 2019 The current CAP – and in particular the 2013 CAP reform – has been accused for a long time now of generating too much administrative burden for farmers. It has been called too complex, expensive and cumbersome. This has generated calls that the CAP needs further simplification. Hence, for its new CAP…

  • Wine sector: the published final figures of the Wine CMO

    Wine sector: the published final figures of the Wine CMO

    Posted on 01/07/201902/09/2019 – Posted by Farm Europe June started with the awaited EC publication of the final figures on the “Financial execution of the national support programme 2019-2023”of the Wine CMO. While, in terms of wine market dynamics, latest figures by the Spanish Wine Market Observatory (OeMv) presented a first analysis for the first…



    What can we expect with regard to the impact of trade issues on the EU agri-food sector till the end of the year? Difficult to say. Let us examine the main building blocks step by step. Trade Disputes The tensions with the US are lingering on, with currently a lull of the sorts between past…

  • National plans for Energy and Climate must match EU ambitions and targets

    National plans for Energy and Climate must match EU ambitions and targets

    Brussels, 12 June 2019 Governments can craft appropriate frameworks under Effort Sharing Regulations – the National plans for Climate and Energy to be approved by the European Commission should match the overall EU ambition – agricultural sources of energy (biofuels and biogas) are existing and cost effective solutions that can go along with sustainable electricity…

  • A renewed Crisis reserve proposed by the EP Agricultural Committee

    A renewed Crisis reserve proposed by the EP Agricultural Committee

    The Member of the Agricultural Committee voted today the Horizontal Regulation which is the cornerstone of the reform package of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) proposed by the Commission. Farm Europe is delighted to see that the concept of a new agricultural reserve, well funded and more reactive, has been endorsed by the EP Committee by a wide…

  • Maioria da Comissão da Agricultura do Parlamento Europeu (COMAGRI) cede aos interesses dos grandes latifundiários e do agronegócio

    Maioria da Comissão da Agricultura do Parlamento Europeu (COMAGRI) cede aos interesses dos grandes latifundiários e do agronegócio

    [Fonte: CNA] A Comissão da Agricultura e do Desenvolvimento Rural do Parlamento Europeu (COMAGRI) aprovou esta semana, por maioria simples, a sua posição sobre o essencial da proposta da Comissão Europeia para a reforma da PAC para 2020. Na posição que fez aprovar – mais concretamente sobre o “Regulamento” para os “Planos Estratégicos (nacionais) da…

  • CAP reform: a positive step forward by EP Agricultural Committee

    CAP reform: a positive step forward by EP Agricultural Committee

    The Members of the agricultural committee of the European Parliament adopted today the two first reports on the Common Agricultural Policy reform. Farm Europe welcomes these votes which significantly improve the initial proposal of the European Commission. Despite the tight schedule, the Committee gave a strong orientation to the next CAP, striking the right balance…

  • Farm Europe welcomes Coldiretti as a partner representing Italian farmers

    Farm Europe welcomes Coldiretti as a partner representing Italian farmers

    Posted on 25/03/201925/03/2019 – Posted by Farm Europe Coldiretti, the largest representative organisation of Italian farmers, decided to join Farm Europe as of 1st April 2019. FarmEurope welcomes this decision which will strengthen the capacity of the think tank to develop forward looking policy paths for the future of EU food systems. Working in close…

  • The Commission confirms a rescue operation for palm oil biofuels

    The Commission confirms a rescue operation for palm oil biofuels

    Posted on 13/03/201913/03/2019 – Posted by Farm Europe Despite the agreement reached on the Renewable Energy Directive last year and the concerns expressed on the draft submitted for consultation a month ago, the European Commission confirmed its intention to rescue palm oil in EU biofuels, in breach with the decision of the colegislators and with the will of the European citizen expressed…

  • Farm Europe welcomes the adoption of a European framework to combat UTPs in the food supply chain

    Farm Europe welcomes the adoption of a European framework to combat UTPs in the food supply chain

    Posted on 12/03/201912/03/2019 – Posted by Farm Europe By a very large majority the European Parliament has adopted the Unfair Trading Practices Directive within the agri-food supply chain. Farm Europe commends the work done during this term by the European Commission and the European Parliament, in particular at the instigation of Paolo De Castro and…

  • Farm Europe welcomes the decision of Comagri Members to take sufficient time to improve the CAP reform proposals

    Farm Europe welcomes the decision of Comagri Members to take sufficient time to improve the CAP reform proposals

    Yesterday, the MEPs in charge of the CAP reform within the AGRI committee of the European Parliament decided that the debate on the reform of the CAP will not go beyond Comagri’s position during the current legislature. Farm Europe fully understand this decision considering the challenges raised by the Commission’s proposals, in particular with the…

  • A rescue operation for palm oil biofuels tabled by the European Commission

    A rescue operation for palm oil biofuels tabled by the European Commission

    Palm oil in EU cars is a threat for forests and peatlands across the globe, thus, its contribution should not be counted towards EU climate and transport decarbonisation targets. Despite the scientific evidence, the European Commission is proposing to the European Parliament and Council a rescue operation for palm in a draft decision (1) aiming…

  • Options to avoid a brutal crisis  in the event of a no-deal Brexit

    Options to avoid a brutal crisis in the event of a no-deal Brexit

    Brussels, 6thFebruary 2019   As the Brexit date of 29thMarch is fast approaching without a clear prospect of an orderly exit deal, the worst case scenario of a no-deal Brexit is becoming ever more likely. Although an agreement is still possible and highly desirable, the political stalemate around the apparently intractable issue of the “backstop”,…

  • Trade in 2019: high stakes amid high uncertainty

    Trade in 2019: high stakes amid high uncertainty

    Why has the truce been agreed and why has it hold so far? The answer should be found in the state of another big trade dispute, even more acute, between the US and China. The US has applied additional tariffs on a large part of Chinese imports, and China retaliated in kind. The US has…

  • UTPs Directive: EU institutions reached an agreement to protect actors of the food supply chain

    UTPs Directive: EU institutions reached an agreement to protect actors of the food supply chain

    Press release  Brussels, December 19th At the end of a sixth and final trilogue procedure, the European Parliament and the Council, on December the 19th reached an agreement on the Directive to combat Unfair Trade Practices in the agri and food supply chain. This is excellent news for all producers and companies in the sector, who have been waiting for…



    The US Congress adopted a new 5-year Farm Bill that enhances the commodity programs and crop insurance tools previously available to US farmers, in a sharp contrast to the European Commission CAP proposals that drastically cut the budget and support to EU farmers. The new US Farm Bill increases support across the board. It increases…

  • “RED2: Which opportunities for EU farmers to contribute to the energy transition”

    “RED2: Which opportunities for EU farmers to contribute to the energy transition”

    Press release Brussels, 22 November 2018 Now that the political compromise reached in July on the Renewable Energy Directive has just been adopted, Farm Europe’s Green Energy Platform organized today an event at the European Parliament, under the patronage of the EPP rapporteur Seán Kelly, to discuss the opportunities for EU farmers to contribute to the energy…