Categoria: Organizações

  • Unfair trading practices: Farm Europe welcomes European Parliament’s vote

    Unfair trading practices: Farm Europe welcomes European Parliament’s vote

    Today, the European Parliament adopted by a very large majority (428 votes in favour to 170 against and 18 abstentions) MEP Paolo De Castro’s report on the EU Directive against Unfair Trade Practices in the food supply chain. This vote makes it now possible to adopt the Directive before the end of the current term of office and therefore ahead of the next EU elections, and secures a strong legitimacy…

  • Posição do COPA-COGECA sobre as propostas legislativas da CE sobre a PAC post 2020

    Posição do COPA-COGECA sobre as propostas legislativas da CE sobre a PAC post 2020

    O COPA-COGECA publicou a posição oficial sobre as propostas da CE.

  • Drought in Europe Summer 2018: crisis management in an orderly chaos

    Drought in Europe Summer 2018: crisis management in an orderly chaos

    This summer recorded very high temperatures, which caused droughts that affected agricultural production heavily (e.g. arable crops and animal feed) in many EU countries. At the request of many Member States, the European Commission has activated a number of measures and derogations. Nevertheless, depending on where they are located on the EU territory, European farmers…

  • Biofuels: Key lever for transport decarbonisation, according to Fuels Europe

    Biofuels: Key lever for transport decarbonisation, according to Fuels Europe

    Posted on 02/10/201802/10/2018 – Posted by Farm Europe In its 2050 vision, presented a few days ago, the fossil fuels industry highlighted an analysis showing that “biofuels” will be central in the transition towards a low carbon transport Europe with the potential to achieve equivalent GHG savings at lower costs for the citizens and for public spending. According to Fuels…



    Posted on 01/10/201802/10/2018 – Posted by Farm Europe Farm Europe welcome the vote of the Agricultural Committee of the European Parliament on Unfair Trade Practices. The report drafted by Paolo de Castro is a step forward to improve the functioning of the food chain, strengthening considerably the initial proposal of the European Commission. See our full…

  • Global Food Forum: 5 orientations for a successful transition of EU agri-food systems

    Global Food Forum: 5 orientations for a successful transition of EU agri-food systems

    The 3rd Edition of the Global Food Forum took place on the 17th and 18thof September in Pavia (Italy), gathering more than 200 political, economic and institutional decision-leaders as well as representatives of the civil society and academics. The event was an opportunity to draw orientations for the future of EU policies with having an…

  • The 3rd edition of the Global Food Forum about to kick off

    The 3rd edition of the Global Food Forum about to kick off

    Posted on 17/09/201817/09/2018 – Posted by Farm Europe The third edition of the Global Food Forum (GFF2018), organised by Farm Europe in partnership with Confagricoltura, will take place on the 17&18 September. The French and the Italian Ministers for Agriculture Stephane Travert and Gian Marco Centinaio will contribute to the opening session together with Dacian Ciolos,…

  • PAC: los legisladores de la UE deben asumir la urgencia de cambiar la dirección de la actual política agrícola

    PAC: los legisladores de la UE deben asumir la urgencia de cambiar la dirección de la actual política agrícola

    Bruselas, 6 de septiembre 2018 – La Coordinación Europea Vía Campesina ha enviado a los diputados europeos a cargo de la agricultura su documento de posición y las enmiendas necesarias sobre la futura PAC con el objetivo de marcar el rumbo de la futura política agrícola y alimentaria europea y de definir el modelo agrícola…

  • The EU recognises the role of EU-sourced biofuels in the future renewable energy mix, but…

    The EU recognises the role of EU-sourced biofuels in the future renewable energy mix, but…

    Posted on 14/06/201814/06/2018 – Posted by Farm Europe Farm Europe’s Green Energy Platform welcomes the decision of the European Parliament and European Council to reject the Commission’s proposal to phase out all 1st generation biofuels. However, at the same time, the Platform regrets that the compromise still ignores the benefits of EU sourced biofuels for…

  • CAP reform: a renationalisation project that would cost 20% of farmers’ income

    CAP reform: a renationalisation project that would cost 20% of farmers’ income

    PRESS RELEASE The European Commission has put on the table all the elements of its agricultural strategy for the period 2021-2027: the budget proposals, presented on the 2ndof May; and the proposals for reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) officially unveiled today. Both proposals would cumulatively result in a drop in European farmers’ income…

  • EP Report on the future CAP: a step in the right political direction

    EP Report on the future CAP: a step in the right political direction

    Today, the Agricultural committee of the European Parliament adopted the report prepared by MEP Herbert Dorfmann (IT, EPP) on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy. This report is a clear call for a strong common policy framework at EU level, aiming to « secure farmers’ income and more effectively meet the expectations of society as…

  • The Commission proposes a drop of almost 15% fo Direct Payments by 2027

    The Commission proposes a drop of almost 15% fo Direct Payments by 2027

    The European Commission has presented, today, its proposals for the multiannual budget framework for the 2021-2027 period.

  • The Commission proposes a drop of almost 15% of direct payments by 2027

    The Commission proposes a drop of almost 15% of direct payments by 2027

    Updated with final figures presented by the European Commission The European Commission has presented, today, its proposals for the multiannual budget framework for the 2021-2027 period. This budget project lacks 43 billion (constant euros) in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) budget to maintain support for farmers at their current level, 27,4 for the first pillar (direct…

  • BREXIT: which impact on the CAP budget and on farm incomes?

    BREXIT: which impact on the CAP budget and on farm incomes?

    Press Release   Against the backdrop of the ongoing negotiations concerning the UK withdrawal from the European Union, the European Commission will present on May 2ndits Budget proposals for the period 2021-2027. Farm Europe analyzed the financial consequences of the departure of the United Kingdom on the budget of the Common Agricultural Policy and on…

  • Proteins and Renewable Energy:  One and the same challenge

    Proteins and Renewable Energy: One and the same challenge

    Press release – Brussels, 26th March 2018 Despite 30 years of efforts and no less than 5 “protein plans”, the European Union still suffers from a considerable chronic deficit in plant proteins: more than 30 million tonnes of soybean crops were imported during 2016-17. This figure comes under the spotlight in the analysis presented today,…

  • Posição da COMAGRI do PE ao Próximo Quadro Financeiro Plurianual

    Posição da COMAGRI do PE ao Próximo Quadro Financeiro Plurianual

    O documento em anexo contem a posição da Comissão de Agricultura e Desenvolvimento Rural, enviada à Comissão do Orçamento, sobre o próximo Quadro Financeiro Plurianual pós‑2020.



    The good news is that an agreement was found on the Brexit transition period, lasting through end 2020. Till then the UK will be part of the EU Customs Union and Single Market, so there will be no disruptions to trade on agri-food products between the EU27 and the UK. Definitely that is good news,…

  • Europe needs a common vision for the future of its agriculture

    Europe needs a common vision for the future of its agriculture

    On March 6th 2018, Farm Europe presented at the European Parliament in Brussels the results and recommendations of the Global Food Forum 2017, which draws on a year of consultations and discussions among stakeholders. “We need a truly common European approach to build a shared ambition, to secure the integrity of the internal market and to ensure…



    Presentation of the outcomes and recommendations of the Global Food Forum 2017 Opening speech of Michel DANTIN, MEP.  Mr. President, Dear colleagues and friends, I am pleased to welcome you here today at the European Parliament and to present the recommendations of the 2017 Global Food Forum, which brought us together in Italy last October.…

  • L’Europe doit avoir une stratégie pour son agriculture

    L’Europe doit avoir une stratégie pour son agriculture

    Dès lors, la réforme à venir est-elle une véritable réforme ? N’est-elle pas qu’une évolution plutôt qu’une révolution, un ajustement technique plutôt que politique ? Est-ce enfin qu’une réformette pas vraiment à la hauteur des enjeux ou plutôt une manière maline de faire face à la réforme administrative de la DG AGRI, aux coupes à…

  • Europe needs a common vision for the future of its agri-food systems

    Europe needs a common vision for the future of its agri-food systems

    PRESS RELEASE Brussels, 7 March 2018. On March 6th 2018, Farm Europe presented at the European Parliament in Brussels the results and recommendations of the Global Food Forum 2017, which draws on a year of consultations and discussions among stakeholders. “We need a truly common European approach to build a shared ambition, to secure the…

  • Communication on the future CAP: a “basis for discussion”, but…

    Communication on the future CAP: a “basis for discussion”, but…

    Brussels, February 20th.  As a continuation of a previous discussion (January 29th) on the future of Europe’s post-2020 agricultural policy among the European Agriculture Ministers, the Agriculture and Fisheries Council (AGRIFISH) chaired by Bulgarian Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry Mr. Porodzanov, was held yesterday, February 19th 2018 in Brussels. It represented a second thematic…

  • UE e reforma da PAC: o que não se faça este ano, levará anos a ser feito – Ignacio Lopez

    UE e reforma da PAC: o que não se faça este ano, levará anos a ser feito – Ignacio Lopez

    Começou a atividade em Bruxelas, e as previsões sobre o que nos trará 2018 nas instituições comunitárias, começam a ganhar forma. A Bulgária estreia-se com uma nova presidência semestral da UE, com um programa forte no conteúdo declarativo e que será importante como preparação para os debates que devem ser realizados este ano ou, no…

  • Thoughts and reflections on the next MFF ongoing debate

    Thoughts and reflections on the next MFF ongoing debate

    Is there a strategy which combines the need to finance new challenges by recognizing the importance and role of “the elephants in the room” ? Brussels, January 11th. On January 8th and 9th, after the Christmas break, and ahead of the College debate on the European Union’s budget, EU Commissioner Günther H. Oettinger launched a high-level conference on…

  • Consulta pública relativa a uma iniciativa da UE sobre os polinizadores

    Consulta pública relativa a uma iniciativa da UE sobre os polinizadores

    Comissão Europeia lança consulta pública relativa a uma iniciativa da UE sobre os polinizadores.



    The recent agreement between the European Commission and the UK on the first phase of the Brexit negotiations is good news. Assuming that Brexit is not reversible, having the best possible understanding on the future relationship is in the interest of the EU27 and its agri-food sector. The agreement on the first phase opens up…

  • Comunicação da Comissão sobre o futuro da PAC: mais do mesmo

    Comunicação da Comissão sobre o futuro da PAC: mais do mesmo

    Proposta da Comissão não responde às necessidades e anseios dos agricultores e das zonas rurais  O processo de reforma da PAC pós 2020, que a CNA juntamente com a Coordenadora Europeia Via Campesina (CEVC) têm vindo a acompanhar, junto com outras organizações e movimentos civis, alcançou uma etapa importante esta quarta-feira, 29 de Novembro, com…

  • Farm Europe: “The Future of Agriculture and food” deserves better than a technocratic discussion about a proposal to renacionalize

    Farm Europe: “The Future of Agriculture and food” deserves better than a technocratic discussion about a proposal to renacionalize

    The “New Delivery Mechanism”, which is central in the European Commission’s communication on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), presented on 29 November, would pave the way for a lesser role for Europe, greater complexity for economic actors and less efficiency when it comes to green objectives. However, “the future of agriculture and…

  • “The future of agriculture and food” deserves better

    “The future of agriculture and food” deserves better

    PRESS RELEASE 29 November, 2017 “The future of agriculture and food” deserves better than a technocratic discussion about a proposal to renationalize. The “New Delivery Mechanism”, which is central in the European Commission’s communication on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), presented on 29 November, would pave the way for a lesser role…

  • Global Food Forum : A window of opportunity for EU agriculture has opened up ‒ can we seize it?

    Global Food Forum : A window of opportunity for EU agriculture has opened up ‒ can we seize it?

    This weekend, the 2nd edition of the Global Food Forum, organised by Farm Europe in partnership with Confagricoltura, brought together around 200 economic and political leaders from 13 Member States in Susegana (Italy) in order to discuss the future of food systems and EU policies towards them. The Forum was an opportunity to identify and flesh…

  • A window of opportunity for agriculture has opened up ‒ can we seize it?

    A window of opportunity for agriculture has opened up ‒ can we seize it?

    This weekend, the 2nd edition of the Global Food Forum, organised by Farm Europe in partnership with Confagricoltura, brought together around 200 economic and political leaders from 13 Member States in Susegana (Italy) in order to discuss the future of food systems and EU policies towards them. The Forum was an opportunity to identify and flesh…

  • Omnibus: a significant step forward for the Common Agricultural Policy

    Omnibus: a significant step forward for the Common Agricultural Policy

    The compromise reached yesterday between the 3 institutions of the European Union on the agricultural component of the Omnibus regulation is a significant step forward for the Common Agriculture Policy. It is the equivalent of a mid-term review of the CAP and a demonstration that in a European Union whose political gears are in motion…

  • A promising step forward in the debate on the Renewable Energy Directive

    A promising step forward in the debate on the Renewable Energy Directive

    Farm Europe’s Green Energy Platfrom welcomes the opinion approved yesterday by the agricultural committee of the European Parliament on the Renewable Energy Directive. This opinion, going beyond ideology and traditional political barriers is a clear recognition of the capacity of the European Agricultural sector to act as a sustainable energy provider. It’s a positive signal…

  • Lack of ambition and perspective in the reflexion paper on the finances of the EU

    Lack of ambition and perspective in the reflexion paper on the finances of the EU

    Posted on 12/09/201712/09/2017 – Posted by Yves Madre On the 28th June, the European Commission (EC) published a Reflection Paper on the future finances of the European Union (EU). The Paper is presented as a starting point for a debate that will inform the EC’s 2018 proposals for the EU’s post-2020 multi-annual financial framework. It includes…

  • PAC post-2020 La perspective d’un refinancement national des aides directes inquiète

    PAC post-2020 La perspective d’un refinancement national des aides directes inquiète

    Les ministres de l’agriculture des 28 Etats membres étaient, avec le commissaire à l’agriculture Phil Hogan, réunis en conseil informel à Tallinn, la capitale de l’Estonie, mardi 5 septembre 2017. (©European Union) Fin juin 2017, la commission européenne a suggéré, dans un « document de réflexion sur l’avenir des finances de l’UE après 2020 », d’introduire un…

  • Farm Europe launches the Green Energy Platform

    Farm Europe launches the Green Energy Platform

    Posted on 20/06/2017 – Posted by Farm Europe Today, Farm Europe launched the Green Energy Platform gathering leading companies from Germany, France, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary and Sweden willing to reflect and promote the sustainable contribution of agriculture and related industry to the energy challenge. The platform, mobilising key actors of the EU sourced biofuels sector,…

  • Biofuels “Made in Europe” delivers concrete and tangible solutions to reduce emissions

    Biofuels “Made in Europe” delivers concrete and tangible solutions to reduce emissions

    Speech at Euractiv Biofuel’s event  In a few minutes, I will not develop all the science, arguments and figures on the positive impacts of EU sourced biofuels for the EU from both an economic, environmental and rural development point of view. This has been done many times without changing the « accepted wisdom » of many in Brussels on biofuels,…

  • NBTs: What are we talking about?

    NBTs: What are we talking about?

    Today, Farm Europe organized and hosted a discussion on New Plant-Breeding Breeding Techniques.  This event has been an opportunity to better understand the potential risks and benefits of the new plant breeding techniques, thanks to a direct discussion with well-known scientists. This debate’s aim was to shed light on the challenges in relation to the ongoing discussions around the…

  • Future CAP : Eastern and Central European Countries in the driving seat

    Future CAP : Eastern and Central European Countries in the driving seat

    Farm Europe was delighted to take part and to contribute to the reflection of the 65th Meeting of the Representatives of Chambers of Agriculture of the Visegrad 4+ group (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Croatia). These organisations adopted a first set of common position on the most pressing topics for the future of…

  • MEPs propose a more efficient CAP starting from 2018

    MEPs propose a more efficient CAP starting from 2018

    Faced with a timid attitude adopted by the Ministers of Agriculture, MEPs took stock of their responsibilities and decided to make the most of the possibility offered by the “Omnibus” to propose common sense adjustments to the Common Agricultural Policy. The decisive approach suggested by the report of the European Parliament’s Committee on Agriculture and…