Categoria: Internacional
In greening air travel, small parts can make a big difference
Each time a plane takes off or lands, flaps on the wings extend or retract to maintain stability and serve as a visual reminder that an aircraft is composed of thousands of complicated parts. Redesigning some of these components might also reduce the greenhouse gases – including carbon dioxide – that aircraft emit. Aviation accounts…
Colorectal cancer patients may benefit from breakthrough EU research
Cancer of the colon and rectum is a pernicious killer. A colorectal tumour, for example, can be removed completely from a patient but then pop up elsewhere in the body in another guise. Researchers in Spain believe they’re on the right track to stop this type of cancer from spreading. Deadly wanderers A colorectal tumour…
Alchemy: much more than male-driven pseudoscience
About 20 years ago, Matteo Martelli was browsing in a bookshop when he chanced upon an intriguing work. Opening the pages of “The Origins of Alchemy in Graeco-Roman Egypt”, he became engrossed. Martelli is a professor at the University of Bologna in Italy who trained in the history of classical languages. His interest was piqued…
In battle against soil pollution, new ally emerges
Trees and other vegetation grow on the site of a former soap factory in northwestern France. While the greenery suggests all is well in the Ploufragan commune near the Brittany coast, the truth is that a plant for making cleaning products has left a mess. The surrounding soil is saturated with toxic hydrocarbons – byproducts…
Prehistoric animals offer new evolutionary hints as riddles persist
In the prehistoric times of Neanderthals and early modern humans, one of Europe’s largest-ever bear species roamed the land and inhabited its caves. But the cave bear, weighing up to one tonne, died out some 25 000 years ago. Its bones have been found in caves located from England to Russia. Competing views Possible reasons…
Researchers take the stage – plus beer orders – as Europe celebrates lab work
It’s sometimes called the “white-coat” syndrome – when a stressed-out person goes to a doctor and the nervousness causes the patient’s blood pressure to spike. Researchers who enjoy the same authority as doctors can often have a patient-like apprehension about something very different: being in the spotlight. Into the limelight Yet many will overcome such…
Paper makers and users look to greener frontiers
Switzerland is renowned for its mountains, cheese and chocolate. Less well known is how Lindt, a Swiss chocolate producer, is packaging the delights in greener ways. The paper packaging used for some of Lindt’s products has green fibres running through it. More than just a splash of colour, the green is actual grass to replace…
New foods can go from yucky to yummy as people’s perceptions evolve
Dr Janina Seubert believes the path to healthier human diets is through the nose. Seubert, a cognitive neuroscientist at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, is researching the role of smell in shaping public preferences towards foods. She’s curious whether scents could help people embrace protein sources such as insects as alternatives to meat and dairy.…
Livestock farmers from Sweden to Greece test paths to greener agriculture
Livestock farmers in Germany, Italy, Sweden and the UK are trying a new method to produce milk and meat: feeding their cows mainly or only grass. Cattle diets usually include a variety of grains, which make the animals grow faster and – by extension – their meat and milk cheaper. But the practice has hefty…
Italian winemaking town sets example for EU rural revival
Near the north-western Italian town of Asti, known for its vineyards and sparkling white wine, Alberto Mossino helped cultivate a different crop: maize. On a farm surrounding a 19th-century villa he revived the production of Ottofile maize, which is used to make polenta. Ottofile, a red-orange, creamy-tasting grain type typical of the region, has been…
Farmer ants and drama-prone wasps in spotlight for their climate adaptation
Armed with headlamps and tweezers, American evolutionary ecologist Jonathan Shik and his team spent more than 100 hours lying on the floor of a tropical forest in Panama watching leafcutter ants going about their business. First the researchers wanted to learn about the ants’ foraging paths and preferences. Then, with the tweezers, they would withdraw…
Talking tolerance in polarised societies
Ann Trappers harnessed a shock in her native Belgium to help heal social wounds across Europe. After Islamic terrorist attacks in Brussels in March 2016 left 35 people – including three suicide bombers – dead and more than 300 injured, Trappers and her colleagues at a non-governmental organisation called Foyer sought to rebuild community trust…
Climate change, post-harvest losses and food wastage mar World Food Day celebrations
Ahead of World Food Day, which is being marked on October 16, 2023, and with millions worldwide starving, global food wastage has yet to ease. According to agencies, food worth billions of dollars goes to waste annually due to poor post-harvest storage and food that has made it to the table but is later dumped…
Consumption of fertilisers in the EU down 2% in 2021
The consumption of mineral fertilisers (nitrogen and phosphorus) in agricultural production in the EU was 10.9 million tonnes in 2021, equivalent to a year-on-year decrease of 2.2% compared with 2020 and a cumulative decline of 6.4% from the relative peak in 2017. The consumption of nitrogen-based fertilisers in agriculture was estimated at 9.8 million tonnes…
Difficult start to summer negatively affects yield outlook
The negative impact is particularly strong for spring barley, for which the yield forecast at EU level was revised downward by 4% at EU level, to 11% below the 5-year average. For other crops, the yield forecast at EU level remains close to the 5-year average. Rain in the Iberian Pensiula arrived too late for…
Em síntese – Geographical indications for wine, spirit drinks and agricultural products – 25-05-2023
On 31 March 2022, the Commission proposed a regulation that would lay down, in a single legal text, rules for geographical indications (GIs) for wine, spirit drinks and agricultural products, which are currently spread over three different regulations. During the May II plenary session, Parliament is expected to hold a debate on the report from…
East Africa: Smallholder farmers adopt bio-digesters to build climate resilience and get clean energy for cooking
Smallholder farmers in East Africa have in recent years adopted digesters to turn organic waste into biogas for cooking and lighting while also building climate resilience. Statistics from Energy Capital and Power, an Africa-focused global investment platform for the energy sector, show that Kenya — which leads in biogas policies and investments in Africa and…
Kenya: Alliance for Science launches digital platform for agro vets in Kisumu county
Fifty agro vets in Kenya’s Kisumu County will benefit from a digital platform project initiated by Alliance for Science to promote and improve food security. The project will be piloted in Kisumu, Kakamega, Uasin Gishu, Nakuru, and Kirinyaga counties and will give agro vets agricultural tips. Michael Onyango, Alliance for Science Head of Partnerships at…
Forests can store less carbon than previously believed
Reducing the intensity of forest management increases carbon sequestration in forests. However, even if forest management were removed altogether, the mitigation potential of this strategy is limited. O artigo foi publicado originalmente em JRC.
New study on invasive alien species pinpoints patterns of invasion across European ecosystems
Invasive alien species are a major threat to native biodiversity and ecosystems functioning, and can affect negatively human health and the economy. O artigo foi publicado originalmente em JRC.
Estudo – A preparedness plan for Europe: Addressing food, energy and technological security – 23-05-2023
The current situation in Ukraine has led to severe supply chain disruptions, contributing to a sharp increase in food and commodity prices globally and the limitation of fossil fuel imports from Russia to the EU. Moreover, to end Europe’s dependence on semiconductor suppliers from Asian countries, it is necessary to take immediate action of a…
Crop failures due to drought in the Maghreb
The May edition of the JRC MARS Bulletin – Global outlook for North Africa – describes one of the worst droughts in recent decades in the Maghreb area. O artigo foi publicado originalmente em JRC.
Strongly contrasting weather conditions in Europe affect crops in multiple ways
Strongly contrasting weather conditions in Europe affect crops in multiple ways According to the May 2023 issue of the JRC MARS Bulletin – Crop monitoring in Europe, the weather observed during the review period (1 April to 14 May) was marked by strongly contrasting patterns of drier- and wetter- th O artigo foi publicado originalmente…
Drought conditions threaten the economy and ecosystems in South America
Precipitation deficits, above-average temperatures and recurrent heatwaves are causing one of the worst droughts in decades. O artigo foi publicado originalmente em JRC.
African swine fever decreases in pigs and wild boar in the EU during 2022
The number of outbreaks of African swine fever (ASF) in pigs and cases reported in wild boar in the European Union (EU) fell considerably in 2022 compared to the previous year, according to a new report published today by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). O artigo foi publicado originalmente em EFSA.
Alliance for Science and Kenyan editors commit to enhance science reporting, fight misinformation on biotechnology
The Alliance for Science and Kenyan editors promised to collaborate to enhance science reporting and stem misinformation on biotechnology. Speaking during a breakfast meeting with members of the Kenya Editors Guild at Capital Club in Nairobi on May 17, the Alliance for Science Executive Director Dr Sheila Ochugboju said the Alliance wants to understand the culture…
Beehive numbers in EU: agriculture’s buzzing backbone
On 5 April 2023, the Commission responded to the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) ‘Save bees and farmers!’ by stating that the priority is to ensure that the proposals currently being negotiated on the sustainable use of pesticides and the restoration of nature are adopted and then implemented in… O artigo foi publicado originalmente em Eurostat.
Exportações agropecuárias brasileiras batem recorde até fevereiro
As exportações brasileiras de produtos agropecuários atingiram um novo recorde nos dois primeiros meses do ano e totalizaram 18,71 mil milhões de euros, indicou hoje o Ministério da Agricultura e Pecuária do Brasil. “Destaque para as exportações recordes de farelo e óleo de soja, carnes de frango e suína, milho e celulose”, frisou o Ministério…
Cereais? ONU diz estar a fazer “todos os possíveis” para estender acordo
Recorde-se que a Rússia pretende renovar o acordo por apenas 60 dias antes do final desta semana – em vez dos 120 dias que estavam previstos. Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) está a fazer “todos os possíveis” para assegurar um acordo que permita a continuação da exportação de cereais a partir dos portos ucranianos no…
Ucrânia: ONU diz que sistemas de pagamento são entrave à exportação de fertilizantes russos
A Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) reconheceu hoje a existência de obstáculos na exportação de alimentos e fertilizantes russos, nomeadamente nos “sistemas de pagamento”, situação que levou Moscovo a prolongar o acordo de cereais por apenas 60 dias. Em comunicado, a ONU frisou que as suas equipas, assim como o próprio secretário-geral da organização, António…
Lead Agriculture MEPs call for a longer extension of Black Sea grain deal
The agreement that unblocked the Ukrainian Black Sea ports should be extended for longer than only 60 days to ensure global food supply, according to MEPs on the Agriculture Committee. The Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI), Norbert Lins, and AGRI coordinators issued the following statement: “Russia decided unilaterally to…
Rússia prolonga acordo de exportação de cereais, mas protesta contra sanções
Turquia, Ucrânia e ONU referem que as negociações não terminaram. Kiev só aceita extensão de 120 dias, apesar de Moscovo ter anunciado 60 dias. A Rússia diz ter demonstrado “boa vontade” ao prolongar o acordo que permite a exportação segura de cereais vindos da Ucrânia pelo Mar Negro, mas adianta que não está satisfeita com…
Acordo de exportação de cereais “é uma questão de emergência alimentar”
A especialista em Direito internacional, Isabel Tavares, afirma que o acordo entre Rússia e Ucrânia destina-se a “evitar uma crise alimentar” de grande impacto fora do continente europeu. Veja a reportagem na CNN Portugal.
Ucrânia: Rússia prolonga acordo de exportação de cereais por 60 dias
A Rússia prolongou hoje por 60 dias o acordo que permite a exportação de cereais a partir de portos ucranianos no Mar Negro, que iria expirar no próximo sábado. “De facto, o acordo foi prolongado. A sua extensão foi acordada para 60 dias”, disse o vice-ministro dos Negócios Estrangeiros da Rússia, Alexandr Grushko, citado pela…
Exportação de cereais: a “demonstração de força” da Rússia num acordo que “interessa a todos”
A análise do comentador da SIC, Germano Almeida, aos últimos desenvolvimentos na guerra na Ucrânia. A Rússia aceitou a extensão do acordo para a exportação de cereais e fertilizantes ucranianos através do mar Negro, mas só durante 60 dias. A Ucrânia criticou, mas não rejeitou formalmente a proposta de Moscovo. O comentador da SIC, Germano…
120 ou 60 dias? Rússia e Ucrânia querem prolongar acordo de exportação de cereais por períodos diferentes
Moscovo anunciou prolongamento do acordo para exportar cereais pelo Mar Negro, Kiev também. Mas há um problema de 60 dias entre os dois países em guerra A Rússia e a Ucrânia continuam sem se entender, agora no que diz respeito ao acordo de exportação de cereais ucranianos pelo Mar Negro. Na segunda-feira, depois de um…
Ucrânia: Guterres comprometido em facilitar exportação de cereais e fertilizantes russos
O secretário-geral da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), António Guterres, disse hoje estar comprometido em facilitar a exportação de alimentos e fertilizantes russos, após Moscovo aceitar prolongar os acordos do Mar Negro apenas por 60 dias. Em comunicado, Guterres indicou que as Nações continuam totalmente comprometidas com a Iniciativa dos Cereais do Mar Negro, assim…
Ucrânia critica mas não rejeita condições de Moscovo para renovar acordo sobre cereais
O ministro das Infraestruturas ucraniano considerou hoje que a proposta russa de prolongar por 60 dias o acordo sobre a exportação de cereais contradiz o acordo inicial que termina no próximo sábado, mas não rejeitou formalmente a proposta de Moscovo. “O acordo sobre a ‘Iniciativa cerealífera do Mar Negro’ implica no mínimo 120 dias de…
Rússia aceita prolongar acordo de exportação de cereais ucranianos por 60 dias
Rússia diz que não se opõe a prolongar acordo, mas apenas durante 60 dias e não durante 120 como aconteceu anteriormente. A Rússia é a favor de estender o acordo de exportação de cereais ucranianos, mas apenas por 60 dias, e não 120, como aconteceu anteriormente, informou esta segunda-feira o vice-ministro russo dos Negócios Estrangeiros,…
Quem gere os fundos europeus deve declarar rendimentos e bens, diz Tribunal de Contas Europeu
Tribunal de Contas Europeu alerta Comissão e Estados-membros para “falhas” na deteção de riscos de conflitos de interesses. Nem sequer há dados sobre a dimensão do problema na União Europeia O Tribunal de Contas Europeu (TCE) recomenda à Comissão Europeia que facilite, até 2024, “a partilha de boas práticas entre os Estados-Membros sobre a solicitação…