Categoria: Internacional

  • Europa planea facilitar la edición genética de cultivos tras la sentencia que los equiparó con los transgénicos

    [Fonte:] La Comisión Europea planea crear una legislación específica para facilitar la producción de cultivos editados genéticamente tras la sentencia del Tribunal Europeo de Justicia que obligó en julio de 2018 a aplicarles la misma normativa y restricciones que a los transgénicos. El Ejecutivo comunitario baraja desarrollar un “nuevo marco adecuado a las nuevas técnicas…

  • Antibiotiques: la difficile révolution du monde agricole

    Antibiotiques: la difficile révolution du monde agricole

    Après 40 % de baisse en dix ans, les progrès dans l’exposition des animaux d’élevage marquent le pas. Des mesures sur la densité des élevages, l’espace accordé aux animaux et la qualité du transport permettent de freiner la propagation des maladies et, donc, les antibiotiques. 163290848/Davy3 Photo – En quelques années à peine, le monde…

  • John Deere presenta un drone pulverizador

    John Deere presenta un drone pulverizador

    [Fonte: Maquinac] Lo muestra en Agritechnica 2019. Puede soportar un peso de 200 Kg y cubrir 6 hectáreas por hora. John Deere exhibe en Agritechnica 2019 (10 al 16 de noviembre en Hanover, Alemania), un drone pulverizador. El llamado VoloDrone puede soportar un peso de 200 kg y, según la compañía, su función sería pulverizar en situaciones complicadas. Tiene 18 hélices…

  • Le réchauffement climatique menace lourdement la santé des enfants

    Le réchauffement climatique menace lourdement la santé des enfants

    Poings serrés, Aurore dort paisiblement. La petite fille vient de naître, et ses parents attendris ne voient pas les mauvaises fées qui se penchent sur l’enfant endormie. Elles ont pour nom malnutrition, diarrhée, pollution et sécheresse, et elles accompagneront Aurore tout au long de son existence. Les adultes savent bien qu’elles approchent, qu’elles sont déjà…

  • New bacteria-based bioherbicide controls glyphosate-resistant weeds in field trials

    [Fonte: GLP] Marrone Bio Innovations [November 12] ….  announced positive results for the 2019 field trials for its novel bioherbicide, known as MBI-015. Field tests conducted in 2019 using commercial rates for Marrone Bio’s novel bioherbicide demonstrated control of a target weed approaching that of a current post-emergent chemical herbicide. At commercial rates across multiple…

  • Fighting climate change with gene editing: Can we slash cows’ methane production?

    [Fonte: GLP] What links belching cows and climate change with the modern genetic revolution and a ridiculously long nerve? The first two are pretty straightforward: Cows emit methane in their burps (both front and rear), and this greenhouse gas is one of the most damaging contributors to the global warming alarm that’s currently gripping the…

  • GMO insect-resistant corn poses no risk to human health, EU food safety officials affirm

    [Fonte: GLP] Following the submission of application …. from Bayer Agriculture BVBA, the EFSA Panel on Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO Panel) was asked to deliver a scientific risk assessment on the data submitted in the context of the renewal of authorization application for the insect‐resistant genetically modified (GM) maize MON 89034. The scope of the…

  • DNA sequencing uncovers genes that could yield bigger, sweeter, crispier watermelon

    [Fonte: GLP] Scientists from Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences took a comprehensive look at the genomes of 414 watermelons representing seven species, with the goal of finding genes that will help develop better fruit quality and resistance to pests, disease, drought, and other biotic and abiotic stresses. According to the paper published in Nature Genetics, the researchers developed an…

  • L’industrie de la pêche laisse sous l’eau 640.000 tonnes de matériel par an

    L’industrie de la pêche laisse sous l’eau 640.000 tonnes de matériel par an

    10 % des matières plastiques qui polluent les mers sont originaires de la pêche. Les filets abandonnés tuent annuellement 100.000 baleines, dauphins, otaries, phoques et autres tortues, estime l’ONG World Animal Protection. 191131771/Richard Carey – Après l’agriculture et ses intrants polluants, c’est au tour de l’industrie de la pêche de subir les foudres des ONG.…

  • Microbes living in plant roots fight off fungal infection, cutting need for pesticides, study shows

    Microbes living in plant roots fight off fungal infection, cutting need for pesticides, study shows

    [Fonte: GLP] Micro-organisms living inside plant roots team up to boost the plant’s growth and tolerance to stress. An international research team led by the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) and Wageningen UR reports its discovery in …. the scientific journal Science. Certain species of ‘resident’ bacteria can protect plant roots against fungal infections. Researchers from…

  • Agricultura digital para a sustentabilidade real – Édson Bolfe

    Agricultura digital para a sustentabilidade real – Édson Bolfe

    [Fonte: Embrapa] Projeções recentes do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento indicam que a produção brasileira de grãos passará dos atuais 236 para 300 milhões de toneladas e a de carnes de 26 para 33 milhões de toneladas em 2028/2029. Significam um acréscimo de quase 30% no período. Também é crescente a produção de celulose,…

  • Compactação do solo durante a semeadura aumenta as chances de doença

    [Fonte: Embrapa] A expectativa de normalização das chuvas no Centro-Oeste anima e relembra que ainda temos muita lavoura a semear e, portanto, um prazo a cumprir.  Mas, cuidado, a pressa para recuperar o tempo perdido na implantação das lavouras pode gerar problemas. Frequentemente agricultores e consultores procuram os laboratórios e instituições de pesquisa após a…

  • CRISPR-edited wheat cuts immune response in ‘gluten-sensitive’ patients by 85%, new study shows

    CRISPR-edited wheat cuts immune response in ‘gluten-sensitive’ patients by 85%, new study shows

    [Fonte: GLP] Approximately one person in 100 has celiac disease, which means for them eating gluten is risking diarrhea, vomiting, malnutrition, and even brain damage and gut cancer. Add to this group those who are gluten sensitive and you get 7% of the population avoiding foods that contain gluten. It is the class of gliadin…

  • Researchers double sorghum grain yield to improve food supply

    Researchers double sorghum grain yield to improve food supply

    [Fonte: CSHL] Plant scientists at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) and USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS), in their search for solutions to global food production challenges, have doubled the amount of grains that a sorghum plant can yield. Sorghum, one of the world’s most important sources of food, animal feed, and biofuel, is considered a…

  • Digital agriculture workshop highlights radical collaborations

    Digital agriculture workshop highlights radical collaborations

    [Fonte: Cornell Chronicle] For grape growers, accurately predicting each season’s yield is key to a successful harvest. Underpredict, and you won’t have enough labor on hand or you’ll run out of storage space; overpredict, and you could fall through on promises to your distributors. Two Cornell researchers are tackling the age-old problem using 21st century…

  • Soil fungi turn struggling wheat into ‘climate-smart’ crop with boosted nutrient uptake in new study

    Soil fungi turn struggling wheat into ‘climate-smart’ crop with boosted nutrient uptake in new study

    [Fonte: GLP] Introducing fungi to wheat boosted their uptake of key nutrients and could lead to new, ‘climate smart’ varieties of crops, according to a new study. Researchers at the University of Leeds have demonstrated a partnership between wheat and soil fungi that could be utilized to develop new food crops and farming systems which…

  • Scientists find new way to develop drought-resilient crops

    Scientists find new way to develop drought-resilient crops

    [Fonte: ANU] Australian research could help breeders develop more drought-resilient crops that can produce more food and more profit with less water. Our work may be instrumental for farmers to maximise food production in the face of increasingly severe drought. Drought tolerance is critically important in the face of climate change, population growth and land-use…

  • Study: Biodiversity improves crop production

    [Fonte:] Ecologists and biologists compared data of about 1,500 agricultural fields around the world, including corn fields in the American plains, oilseed rape fields in southern Sweden, coffee plantations in India, mango plantations in South Africa and cereal crops in the Alps. They analyzed two ecosystem services (i.e., processes regulated by nature that are…

  • Newly identified protein could help safeguard plants against climate change

    Newly identified protein could help safeguard plants against climate change

    [Fonte: GLP] A team of scientists from the United States announced that they have identified the protein in plants responsible for its cellular defense against excessive light, among other stress factors caused by climate change. Published literature states that photosynthesis occurs in the plant cell’s chloroplast. In these chloroplasts, proteins make up the molecular structure that is responsible…

  • Agrotóxicos e controle biológico: compatibilidade é avaliada em experimentos para controle da traça-do-tomateiro

    Agrotóxicos e controle biológico: compatibilidade é avaliada em experimentos para controle da traça-do-tomateiro

    [Fonte: Embrapa] Avaliar a utilização de agrotóxicos e sua compatibilidade com agentes de controle biológico (parasitoides) contra a traça-do-tomateiro é o principal objetivo dos experimentos que vêm sendo conduzidos desde 2018 na Embrapa Hortaliças (Brasília-DF), com resultados que têm permitido confirmar a eficácia dos métodos utilizados. “Em função do que tem sido observado até agora, as respostas…

  • La biodiversité est bénéfique pour les cultures

    La biodiversité est bénéfique pour les cultures

    Une large analyse montre que les services apportés par la nature, comme la pollinisation, profitent à la plupart des cultures agricoles, en l’absence de pesticides.

  • Incendie de Lubrizol: les autorités se disent rassurantes sur la qualité du lait

    Incendie de Lubrizol: les autorités se disent rassurantes sur la qualité du lait

    Finalement, les premiers résultats sur la qualité du lait sont «rassurants», comme l’indiquait, vendredi 11 octobre, à Rouen (Seine-Maritime), Roger Genet, le directeur général de l’Anses (Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail). Il avait fait cette déclaration à l’occasion de l’installation du «comité pour la transparence et le dialogue»…

  • Experts ‘overwhelmingly’ endorse CRISPR-edited crop safety, but politics could stifle technology’s progress

    Experts ‘overwhelmingly’ endorse CRISPR-edited crop safety, but politics could stifle technology’s progress

    It should come as no surprise that innovation is linked to uncertainty, […]

  • Rayées, les vaches plaisent moins aux mouches

    Rayées, les vaches plaisent moins aux mouches

    Des chercheurs japonais ont peint des bovins pour que leurs robes imitent celles des zèbres. Ils attirent ainsi deux fois moins d’insectes. Des chercheurs japonais ont orné de rayures blanches six vaches noires pour vérifier si la stratégie chasse-mouches des zèbres fonctionnait avec une autre espèce. Crédit : Commençons par une certitude: ces chercheurs-là feraient…

  • Plant Health: prioritising the fight against 20 quarantine plant pests on the EU territory

    Plant Health: prioritising the fight against 20 quarantine plant pests on the EU territory

    Following a new methodology, the JRC assessed a list of quarantine pests for their potential economic […]

  • Can the gene editing technology known as CRISPR help reduce biodiversity loss worldwide?

    Though scientists are optimistic that CRISPR could help, they also emphasize caution and community engagement in order to get it right. […]

  • Scientists speed up the evolution of yeast to create tastier and healthier alcohol

    ‘All kinds of fermentation beverages start out with just some sugar solution,’ said Professor Ursula Bond, a molecular biologist at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. ‘The yeast converts those sugars into alcohol.’ Whether it’s grape juice or liquid malt, yeast is essential in converting sugary liquids into alcohol, to produce the final beverages of wine and…

  • No ‘magical’ alternative to glyphosate in the next 5 years, Bayer official says

    No ‘magical’ alternative to glyphosate in the next 5 years, Bayer official says

    [Fonte: EURACTIV] In the next five years, no alternative to glyphosate is going to “magically” appear in the market,  Dr Bob Reiter, a high-ranking official from Bayer, told, referring to the controversial herbicide that has been the subject of heated debates across Europe. Speaking to EURACTIV on the sidelines of the Future of Farming Dialogue event…

  • Criação de suínos em família reduz uso de antibióticos

    Criação de suínos em família reduz uso de antibióticos

    Um modelo desenvolvido […]

  • Researchers Team Up To Breed A Better Berry

    [Fonte: Inoovature] Biting into a fresh, sweet berry might be a simple pleasure, but the berries’ genomes are surprisingly complex. The strawberry genome has eight copies of its genes, compared to pea plants — and even humans — which only have two. That complicated genetic code makes it difficult for berry breeders to develop new,…

  • GMO wheat varieties boost crop yields 20-30% in field trial

    GMO wheat varieties boost crop yields 20-30% in field trial

    [Fonte: GLP] Studies conducted at the Australian Plant Phenomics Facility (APPF) showed experimental genetically modified (GM) wheat lines [have] the potential to significantly increase yields. These lines ‘overexpress’ three wild-type plant genes, either individually or in combination, and were developed to test whether targeting individual wheat genes could lead to improvements in yield. In greenhouse studies conducted at the…

  • Offspring of gene-edited, hornless dairy bull born healthy, study confirms

    Offspring of gene-edited, hornless dairy bull born healthy, study confirms

    [Fonte: GLP] For the past two years, researchers at the University of California, Davis, have been studying six offspring of a dairy bull, genome-edited to prevent it from growing horns. This technology has been proposed as an alternative to dehorning, a common management practice performed to protect other cattle and human handlers from injuries. UC…

  • Building Sustainable Agriculture Through Technology

    [Fonte: ZAWYA] Action for agritech to more fully contribute to UN’s SDGs will need to be taken by all stakeholders from governments to financial institutions and the farmers themselvesSpecial Contributions Although technology is transforming just about every area of life we care to consider, in the vital area of sustainable agriculture, things are not happening…

  • AI-powered devices deliver ‘micro-dose’ of herbicide to cut agriculture’s chemical use

    AI-powered devices deliver ‘micro-dose’ of herbicide to cut agriculture’s chemical use

    [Fonte: GLP] Above a Saskatchewan field, a line of drones rises in formation, sensors primed to pick out enemy targets below. But this isn’t the latest Terminator movie. This is Daniel McCann’s brainchild for green-on-green spot spraying, an offshoot of precision spraying that promises to identify and take out weeds in a growing crop. Why…

  • Sustainable bacon: CRISPR-edited pigs could survive deadly disease, but public support key to success

    Sustainable bacon: CRISPR-edited pigs could survive deadly disease, but public support key to success

    [Fonte: GLP] Genome editing could be a ‘key tool’ in improving the efficiency of UK pig production and could help in tackling devastating diseases such as African swine fever. … In 2017, scientists used the method to create male pigs that could be used as surrogates capable of producing sperm that contains the genetic blueprint of sought-after…

  • Can controlled burns crack down on herbicide-resistant weeds?

    Can controlled burns crack down on herbicide-resistant weeds?

    [Fonte: GLP] Weeds are thieves. They steal nutrients, sunlight and water from our food crops. In the case of sugarcane, yield refers to the amount of biomass and the sucrose concentration of the cane, which ultimately determines the amount of sugar produced. Two weedy culprits, namely itchgrass and divine nightshade, reduce cane biomass and sucrose…

  • Científico chileno desarrolla maíz transgénico que resiste 52 días sin agua

    Científico chileno desarrolla maíz transgénico que resiste 52 días sin agua

    [Fonte: ChileBIO] El maíz fue modificado con genes de un tomate del desierto de atacama y mantiene un 80% del rendimiento bajo condiciones de extrema sequía. La investigación se lleva a cabo en la Universidad de Talca con fondos públicos. La inminencia de un desierto instalado cada vez más al sur de la Región de…

  • CRISPR might be the banana’s only hope against a deadly fungus

    [Fonte: Nature] Researchers are using the gene-editing tool to boost the fruit’s defences and prevent the extinction of a major commercial variety. The race to engineer the next-generation banana is on. The Colombian government confirmed last month that a banana-killing fungus has invaded the Americas — the source of much of the world’s banana supply.…

  • The EU Must Remain a Key Actor in the Area of Seeds and New Technologies in Plants – Vytenis Andriukaitis

    The EU Must Remain a Key Actor in the Area of Seeds and New Technologies in Plants – Vytenis Andriukaitis

    [Fonte: EuropeanSeed] For centuries, seed varieties and seed production techniques have required continued improvement to meet the critical challenges of growing populations, climate change and depletion of natural resources. Many plants themselves developed defensive mechanisms, such as ability to instantly irritate skin and eyes, cause burning sensations or kill insects, to be able to protect…

  • Bem-estar animal impacta na produtividade de carne e leite

    Bem-estar animal impacta na produtividade de carne e leite

    [Fonte: Embrapa] Situações de estresse para o animal de produção impactam diretamente no bem-estar e na produtividade, com redução na produção de carne e leite. Avaliar as práticas de manejo em uma fazenda é uma atitude importante para garantir qualidade de vida ao animal e ainda evitar prejuízos. Segundo o pesquisador Alexandre Rossetto Garcia, da…