Curso sobre Modelos de Negócio para o setor agrícola – Projecto Soildarity

An intensive training course made up of a series of modules in the field of sustainable business modelling will be set up by MIGAL – Galilee Research Institute, Israel.

The aim of this course is to improve the capacity to disseminate to farmer’s organization, advisors and innovation brokers, as well as to industrialists, basic principles to cost/benefit analysis, leading to the creation of business models.

 Seeking for organized farmers and related agro-industry, it will be created equative relationships between big and small organized farmers, forming a new space for contracts and opportunities. At the same time, FC.ID/CIÊNCIAS influence and proficiency in agro-economics and sustainable business will be enhanced and developed.
 They fit to Mediterranean specificities as well as water and soil management, and accountability are in the centre of these training programmes. Here, the cooperation with organised farmers allows to progress and impact in strategic tillage, soil protection, crop diversification and resources management (based on available technology in leading partners), according with the definition of impact pathways.
 The networks that include the relevant partners will generate task forces to provide supporting knowledge in key areas (technical, social, financial and political) and will drive forward essential agriculture issues and acceptance of innovative methods.
 The task forces will generate awareness activities, procurement and development of policy drivers, all based in FC.ID/CIÊNCIAS and the lead institutions work.

Proposed modules:
1. Introduction on the aim of the module (Uri Marchaim, Ori Ben-Herzel, Abdul Mouazen)
2. The Portuguese main goal in agriculture (official from Ministry of Agriculture, Patrick Crehan by Zoom)
3. Working with and for the Farmers (Uri Marchaim)
4. Innovation and entrepreneurship implementation (Ori Ben-Herzel)
5. The possibilities for patent registration (Ori Ben-Herzel)
6. Summary (Uri Marchaim and Ori Ben-Herzel)
7. Develop activities of the “task Forces” (FC.ID/CIÊNCIAS)

A. Introduction (6.1) (3 hours)
 Introduction on the aim of the module (Uri Marchaim, Ori Ben-Herzel, Cristina Cruz or Abdul Mouazen)
 From idea to product – the route to implementation (Ori Ben-Herzel)
 Defining a vision and business goals (Ori Ben-Herzel)

B. The Portuguese main goal in agriculture (official from Ministry of Agriculture, Patrick Crehan by Zoom) (2 hours)
 CAP programme
 Main aims in Portugal’s agriculture
 CAP effects on animal husbandry

C. Presentation of R&D activity (6.3) (3 hours)
 MIGAL’s module of Northern R&D with the farmers and for the farmers (Uri Marchaim)
 Assimilation and application of knowledge through: model plots, accompaniment of growers in the application (Keren Farin and Ori Ben-Herzel)
 Defining research objectives in collaboration with growers, marketers and guides (Keren Farin and Ori Ben-Herzel)
 Preparing the work plans and execute them (Ori Ben-Herzel)

D. Business Development (6.4) (4hours)
 Finding a target audience and setting goals (Ori Ben-Herzel)
 Targeting the market – Digital investigation (Ori Ben-Herzel)
 Customer perceptions and the entropy of the organization (Ori Ben-Herzel)
 Conducting market surveys for products (Ori Ben-Herzel)
 Characterization of competitors – Digital investigation (Ori Ben-Herzel)
 Adapting the interface of the product to match the market needs (Ori Ben-Herzel)
 Seed money: critical processes for product formation (Ori Ben-Herzel)
 Product measurement and evaluation tool (Ori Ben-Herzel)
 Economic assessment of the product / technology (Ori Ben-Herzel)

D. Patent Registration (6.5) (4 hours)
 The possibilities for patent registration (Ori Ben-Herzel or Keren Farin) and if possible, the European Patent Office
 The European Patent Office (EPO) – presentation in person, or by Zoom on using the EPO.
 Summary (Uri Marchaim and Ori Ben-Herzel)

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