mineral fertilisers

Do mineral fertilisers have a deleterious effect on soil fertility? – case report

In the present case study, the aim is to show an example of the effect on residual fertility parameters (particularly with regard to the re-sprouting of plants after the harvesting of the aerial part), taken from a pot experiment, where modalities without fertilization, with mineral fertilization, with organic fertilization and with mixed fertilization were contrasted. Within this context it is possible to conclude the following: Mineral fertilization, alone, leads to a drastic inhibition of plant re-sprouting, that even in mixed fertilization situations (mineral + organic) it is considerable; in terms of residual microbiological activity, this phenomenon seems to be better correlated with reduced dehydrogenase activity than with β-Glucosidase activity.

Menino R (INIAV), Esteves C, Fareleira P (INIAV), and A Castelo-Branco (INIAV)

Leia o artigo publicado na revista Journal of Science.





