european commission

European Commission seeks feedback on future plan to ensure food supply and food security in times of crisis

Today, the European Commission launched a targeted consultation on a contingency plan to ensure food supply and food security across the EU in times of crisis. This consultation aims at gathering feedback on the form, nature and scope of the plan.

A diversity of stakeholders involved in the food supply chain such as producers, processors, distributors or transport operators as well as consumers, civil society and national authorities are invited to provide their views for a period of 9 weeks, from 1 March to 3 May 2021.

Announced in the Farm to fork strategy, the Commission aims to step up the coordination of the European response to crises affecting the EU’s food system and to ensure food security. To do this, the contingency plan will include a set of procedures to be followed in times of crises as well as the setting up of a food crisis response mechanism coordinated by the Commission, involving Member States and, possibly, various sectors such as agriculture, fisheries, transport and health. The mechanism will take the form of a permanent forum to coordinate action, exchange best practices and evaluate threats and risks.

In line with the Farm to fork strategy and its objectives, the plan should pursue increased environmental, economic and social sustainability for a resilient EU food system.


Following the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the EU agri-food sector faced various challenges such as rapid changes of demand, closures of borders and shortages of seasonal workers. The Commission, in collaboration with national authorities, offered support and solutions. The EU’s food supply chain showed its resilience in these unprecedented times.

Still, this crisis has highlighted how food security cannot be taken for granted. The contingency plan aims at ensuring better preparedness and coordination for future potential crises that could threaten food security at EU level.

More information

Common Agricultural Policy’s market measures

Related links

Supporting the agriculture and food sectors amid Coronavirus

