Kenya: Alliance for Science launches digital platform for agro vets in Kisumu county

Fifty agro vets in Kenya’s Kisumu County will benefit from a digital platform project initiated by Alliance for Science to promote and improve food security.

The project will be piloted in Kisumu, Kakamega, Uasin Gishu, Nakuru, and Kirinyaga counties and will give agro vets agricultural tips.

Kisumu Agrovets Event. [Manyara Kinoti]
Michael Onyango, Alliance for Science Head of Partnerships at the launch of the digital platform for agro vets in Kisumu on May 19, 2023.  [Manyara Kinoti]

Michael Onyango, the Alliance of Science Head of Partnerships, said the Alliance picked Kisumu for the launch because it is a food-poor county.


People need access to verified and credible information to make sound decisions regarding agricultural practices.


“We find that 65 percent of the money someone makes in a day is spent on food. If you do the math, there is no money left in the budget for other things that they need,” said Onyango said on May 19 in Kisumu.

He noted that people also needed access to verified and credible information to make sound decisions regarding agricultural practices.

“We want to ensure that through the digital platform, agro vets are first on call for farmers. We will ensure they have the knowledge and credible information which they can pass on to farmers or people who ask for their services,” said Onyango.

Kisumu Agrovets Event. [Manyara Kinoti]
Dr Sheila Ochugboju, the Executive Director of Alliance for Science addresses agro vets during the launch of the digital platform for agro vets in Kisumu on May 19, 2023.  [Manyara Kinoti]

Dr Sheila Ochugboju, the Executive Director of Alliance for Science said they are looking for platforms to reach the rural farmers with information on food security and agriculture.


The project is aimed at bridging the gap as county governments increase their capacity and employ agriculture extension officers.


“We realized that 97 percent of Kenya’s young people are getting information from WhatsApp. This is probably because it provides a platform for prompt feedback as well. We hope to see the impact,” she said.

She said this project is aimed at bridging the gap as county governments step up their capacity and employ agriculture extension officers.

Kisumu Agrovets Event. [Manyara Kinoti]
Jack Ranguma, former Kisumu governor and current chair of the Savings and Credit Societies Regulatory Authority. [Manyara Kinoti]

“The former Kisumu governor, Jack Ranguma said it is important to support counties to bridge the gap where there are no extension officers,” Dr Ochugboju said.

“We have about 10,000 agro vets in the county, so if we can get even half on the digital platform, we will listen to them to understand what their problems are and what people from the communities want. We will also train them.”


All agro vets brought on board the project will enroll for online courses, paid for by Alliance for Science.


Dr Ochugboju also said the Alliance is working with agriculture officials from the counties to understand their challenges and specific needs.

“Every county is different and so products sold in agro vets are specific and so are the challenges. We are working with the officials from the counties because they have strategies and plans and so we can understand their priorities.

“We started with Kisumu because we have a history. We understand it and its policies a lot more. We are also developing relationships with other counties to understand their priorities,” she said.

Kisumu Agrovets Event. [Manyara Kinoti]
Dr Sheila Ochugboju and Flora Mworoa, the Nyanza Regional Commissioner in Kisumu on May 19, 2023. [Manyara Kinoti]

Dr Ochugboju said the aim is to ensure that rural farmers get knowledge from where. “We are looking for ways of reaching as many rural farmers as possible.”

Kisumu agrovets event
Some of the agro vets who attended the event in Kisumu on May 19, 2023. [Manyara Kinoti]

Through the project, all agro vets brought on board will have an opportunity to enroll for online courses paid for by Alliance for Science.

“The online course will have three modules and will most likely take three years. We will develop more online platforms for knowledge and we will give certificates. There is a lot of knowledge out there, so we want to make it easier for the rural farmers to achieve it,” she said.

Kisumu Agovet event.
Philip Pande, the Alliance for Science consultant addresses the participants at the event in Kisumu on May 19, 2023. [Manyara Kinoti]

Philip Pande, Alliance for Science consultant said they have already mapped out the county and started recruiting agro vets.

Kisumu Agrovets Event. [Manyara Kinoti]
Alliance for Science Director Dr Sheila Ochugboju, former Kisumu governor Jack Ranguma, and Alliance for Science Head of Partnerships Michael Onyango. [Manyara Kinoti]

Ranguma, who is also the chair of the Savings and Credit Societies Regulatory Authority, said the project is moving the county in the right direction in the absence of agriculture extension officers.


A long-term solution is to ensure the county government recruits agriculture extension officers and deploys them across the county.


“I believe if we go through this route, we will make a great difference in food production. The agenda of production is critical as many parcels of land in the county are lying idle,” Ranguma said.

“But a long-term solution is to ensure the county government recruits agriculture extension officers and deploys them across the county. Extension officers should be available to guard farmers.”


A version of this article was first published in The Standard newspaper

The post Kenya: Alliance for Science launches digital platform for agro vets in Kisumu county appeared first on Alliance for Science.

O artigo foi publicado originalmente em Cornell Alliance for Science.



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