Live: FFA2021 Regional Event Portugal


Wednesday, May 26 | 09:30 – 12:00 WEST | 10:30 – 13:00 CET | Santarém, Portugal & online
Translation: Português & English

09:30 WEST / 10:30 CET: Welcoming words

• Antonio Paula Soares, President, Associação Nacional dos Proprietários Rurais

09:40 WEST / 10:40 CET: Opening words
• Janez Potočnik, FFA2021 Chairman

09:50 WEST / 10:50 CET: Session 1: Farming practices in Southern Europe with sustainable water use and farmland habitat management

• Eduardo Oliveira E Sousa, President, Confederação Dos Agricultores De Portugal
• Afonso do Ó, Freshwater Consultant for ANP, WWF Portugal
• Bosco Torremocha, Director General, Espirituosos España
• Thierry de l’Escaille, Secretary General, European Landowners’ Organization

Questions and answers with the audience
Moderator: Cristina Nobre Soares

10:50 WEST / 11:50 CET: Session 2: Increasing sustainability standards through trade deals

• Bruno Bobone, President, Portuguese Chamber of Commerce, President of ICC
• Pascale Rouhier, Secretary General, European Liaison Committee for Agricultural and Agri-Food Trade (CELCAA)
• David Cleary, Director, Global Agriculture, The Nature Conservancy
• Emily Rees, Senior Fellow, European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE)
• João Rui Ferreira, Secretary General, C.E. Liège

Questions and answers with the audience
Moderator: Cristina Nobre Soares

11:50 WEST / 12:50 CET: Closing comments and wrap up

• Antonio Gonçalves Ferreira, President, União da Floresta Mediterrânica

Wednesday, May 26 | 14:00 – 16:15 WEST | Santarém, Portugal & online
Translation: Português & English

14:00 WEST / 15:00 CET: Opening remarks

• Eduardo Oliveira e Sousa, President, Confederação Dos Agricultores De Portugal (CAP)

14:05 WEST / 15:05 CET: Session 1: Are NGTs one of the tools for achieving the Farm to Fork Strategy targets?

Keynote address
• Prof. Andreas Weber, Director, Institute of Plant Biochemistry Heinrich Heine University & representative of EU-SAGE

• Álvaro Amaro, member of the European Parliament, President of the “Biodiversity, Hunting, Countryside” Intergroup
• Prof. Manuel Chaveiro Soares, Agronomist, Valouro
• Rui Barreiras, Forest, Food and Wildlife Coordinator at Associação Natureza Portugal, in association with WWF
• Pedro Fevereiro, Executive Director, Iplantprotect

Questions and answers with the audience
Moderator: Cristina Nobre Soares, Science Communicator

15:05 WEST / 16:05 CET: Session 2: The impact of NGTs on Europe’s agriculture, trade and development policies

• Paula Cruz de Carvalho, Deputy General Director for Food and Veterinary, Ministry of Agriculture, Portugal
• Alexandre Quintanilha, member of the Portuguese Parliament
• Garlich von Essen, Secretary General, Euroseeds
• José Pereira Palha, Farmer & President, National Association of Cereal Producers

Questions and answers with the audience
Moderator: Cristina Nobre Soares, Science Communicator

16:05 WEST / 17:05 CET: Wrap up and closing

• Paula Duque, Principal Investigator, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC)
• António Sevinate Pinto, President, ANSEME (The Portuguese Seed Association) and CEO of LUSOSEM



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