
Oferta de Emprego – Monitoring and Diagnosis of Pest and Diseases – Engenheiro Agrónomo – Portalegre

Job advertisement – Reference InnovPP057/2022 Agronomist for the Department – 4. Monitoring and Diagnosis of Pest and Diseases Collaborative Laboratory “InnovPlantProtect – Association” –

We are looking for a passionate and resourceful candidate able to integrate into an ambitious organization aiming to develop innovative products and services to protect crops against pests and diseases.
The ideal candidate must have a background in Agronomy and be able to demonstrate technical and communication skills to work as liaison between farmers/producers and InnovPlantProtect researchers.

Main responsibilities
The candidate shall report directly to the Director of the Department of Monitoring and Diagnosis of Pest and Diseases and will have the following responsibilities:
– Establish a good interaction with the farmers and/or associations of producers to identify main concerns in plant production and health;
– Organise field visits to collect soil, seed, and plant samples assuring data quality in all the steps;
– Provide recommendations to farmers on how to improve plants health and growth based on the results from the sample analyses;
– Quantify and monitor plants performance (production and health) in the field and how it is affected by biotic/abiotic factors and management practices;
– Producing reports and presenting the results to technical and non-technical audience;
– Researching and promoting strategies to counter the impacts of pests and diseases in agriculture and their interaction with other factors, such as the climate and soil;
– Evaluating new technology and advancements in agriculture research.
– It can be requested to represent InnovPlantProtect in agricultural fairs and events to interact with associations and producers, strengthen relationships and finding opportunities.

Specific requirements
– Master degree in Agronomy, Agricultural Engineering or related relevant fields;
– Strong understanding of phytopathology and its interaction with other stressors, e.g. originating from soil or climatic conditions;
– Proven experience in designing field sampling strategies and in monitoring the effects of environmental parameters and management practices on plant growth and health;
– Ability to analyse field data and make decision and/or recommendations upon them;
– Knowledgeable about the current available products and digital technology, applied to plant production and protection, and able to make recommendations upon them;
– Knowledgeable about farming practices and management principles and able to talk to farmers about farm improvements, particularly in plant protection;
– Excellent communication skills (in-person and written);
– Demonstrated problem-solving skills and with a strong aptitude for learning;
– Enjoying working as a member of a multidisciplinary team;
– Portuguese driving licence;
– Good written and spoken Portuguese and Spanish.

InnovPlantProtect is a private non-profit association

InnovPlantProtect aims to create innovation for the protection of crops, seeds and post-harvest products through:
– Development of innovative technologies and knowledge creation, as well as improvement of existing technologies for crop protection;
– Applied scientific research to create novel intellectual property developed technologies in the market, and to develop processes and products;
– Provide technical support to public or private companies and entities, assisting them in the introduction of biotechnological strategies, methods and processes, and in the orientation and implementation of industrial research and development, directed towards the protection of crops, seeds and post-harvest products;
– Collaboration with (inter)national public and/or private institutions, in their areas of activity.

The work location will be at the headquarters of InnovPlantProtect, situated in INIAV (Elvas), at the former National Plant Breeding Station.

Salary and contract
A full-time contract, starting 1st February, 2023 will continue until 31st December, 2023 with a trial period of one month. The contract may be renewed annually for a further two years depending on performance and further financial support. All the activities to be developed will be subject to confidentiality clauses. Gross remuneration will be €1,544 (14 months – €21,616/year) and €5,2 for daily lunch subsidy).

Financial Support
This contract is financed in the scope of the Innovation Pact, Project No. C644915664-00000026, known as the “Blue Bioeconomy Pact”, resulting from the submission of the application to Notice No. 02/C05-i01/2022, within the scope of the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR).

How to Apply
To the care of the Chief Executive Officer of InnovPlantProtect Collaborative Lab, Professor Pedro Fevereiro (
To apply for this position, the following documents should be sent in a single PDF document with the reference “InnovPP057/2022” in the subject:
– Curriculum vitae (CV)
– Motivation letter
– Two reference contacts
– Statement of honour that CV content is accurate.
(Please note that Degrees obtained in foreign countries need a Portuguese Recognition issued by a Portuguese high degree Institution, according to the Decree-Law nr. 66/2018, of August 16th and the Ministerial Order nr. 33/2019, of January 25th. The presentation of such Recognition is mandatory for contract signature. More information can be obtained in:

This call is open from December 12nd to January 15th, 2023, with a decision expected by January 27th.

Generalrules of data protection (GDPR)
With the entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 April 2016, commonly known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and in order to ensure a fair and transparent treatment of the holder of the data, InnovPlantProtect informs that by applying for this position you are authorizing InnovPlantProtect to (1) collect and process your personal data deemed necessary and relevant to this recruitment process, (2) to disclose the results of the evaluation in accordance with the legislation in force.

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