Copa Cogeca

On the outcome of the vote in Plenary on the joint resolution on large carnivores

Copa and Cogeca welcome the conclusion of a years’ worth of discussion on the topic of large carnivores in the European Parliament. The joint resolution voted today with a robust majority (306 votes in favour, 225 against) has brought together many opposing views to genuinely discuss the topic and to push the issue to the other EU institutions for them to act on.

Copa and Cogeca support the clear and factual message sent by MEPs today: large carnivore populations have seen an unprecedented increase in recent years and could grow exponentially in the coming years. A new approach to population management must be put in place because the current framework is both obsolete and inadequate. With more and more tragedies occurring in our countryside resulting from this pressure, it is urgent to act now! Member States must take up the issue swiftly, and the European Commission, through DG ENVI, must stop being dogmatic and propose concrete solutions on population management.

Copa and Cogeca see the amendments supporting the inclusion of Article 19 of the Habitats Directive as a step in the right direction, and an indication that this is an essential part of the road towards change. Likewise, the call for a regular and up-to-date assessment of the conservation status of our protected species shows support for co-existence between man and beast, but one which is more mindful to the impacts of each on the other than in the past. It is essential that a concrete legal element be included in moving towards ensuring the sustainable management of large carnivore populations in Europe.

Copa and Cogeca continue to be open to working together with the EU institutions as we move forward; a lot of work has been done, but there is much more to do in order to achieve the right balance.

Artigo publicado originalmente em Copa Cogeca.




