Copa Cogeca

The Committee on International Trade approves crucial document for ensuring fair competition for European rice and sugar farmers

With a clear majority of positive votes, the revision of the Regulation on Generalised Scheme of tariff preferences (GSP) was adopted in the Committee on International Trade (COM INTA) today.

While supporting the benefits the GSP scheme provides in terms of eliminating or reducing import tariffs unilaterally (i.e. on a non-reciprocal basis) and ensuring fair trade, for Copa and Cogeca members the legislation is key, in particularly for those farmers and cooperatives operating in sectors such as rice and sugar.

The text contains important improvements from the Commission’s initial proposal and Copa and Cogeca would like to recognize the hard work done by rapporteur Heidi Hautala and other shadows-rapporteurs. A clear and efficient safeguard mechanism should protect the EU sensitive agricultural sectors, such as rice and sugar, from market disruption, regardless of their origin.

With this vote, the European Parliament clearly shows that the request to ensure fair competition for European farmers and cooperatives was well received. Therefore, it is essential to adopt coherent internal and external policies in order to tackle the issue of competitiveness between the different farming sectors across the world. The proposal approved in Parliament today, would allow the Commission to take early action to avoid market disruption in the EU, while enabling the developing countries to continue trading with the EU.

Copa and Cogeca encourage the European Parliament to fully support this report during the upcoming trilogue. Furthermore, we encourage the Council of European Union to further support this request and clear intention from the European Parliament to ensure fair competition for the European farmers and agri-cooperatives.

Artigo publicado originalmente em Copa Cogeca.




