Webinar: Online Info Day on the 2022 AGRI Promotion Calls for Proposals – 1 e 2 de fevereiro

In relation to the publication of the 2022 Calls for proposals for grants for information provision and promotion measures concerning agricultural products, DG Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) and the European Research Executive Agency (REA) are organising the annual Info Day online.

This year the Info day will take place over two days. The first day will be dedicated to policy aspects. Speakers from the European Commission will discuss the promotion policy in view of the support to the transition towards a more sustainable European food system, and its link with the Farm to Fork strategy. The on-going policy review will be a talking point, as well as the priorities of the 2022 Annual Work Programme and Calls for proposals.

The second day will focus on the development of successful campaigns. The participants will have the opportunity to listen to presentations by EC officials, external experts and projects’ coordinators. The presentations of the day will highlight several challenging aspects, such as addressing sustainability in 2022 programme proposals and aligning projects with objectives of the Green Deal, Farm to Fork Strategy, Europe’s Beating Cancer plan and Food Based Dietary Guidelines of Member States. Presentations will focus also on how to set a good campaign strategy and how to successfully develop communication campaigns on EU sustainable production and consumption. We will be looking into challenges and expectations, with examples and key learnings.

As part of this event, matchmaking sessions dedicated to interaction between potential project partners are organised with a view to submitting multi-beneficiary proposals.

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