Webinar: Oxford Real Farming Conference – 5 a 7 de janeiro

The Oxford Real Farming Conference (ORFC) was started in 2010 by Colin Tudge and Ruth West (founders of the Campaign for Real Farming) and agricultural writer, Graham Harvey, to highlight the alternatives to conventional farming and to offer all farmers a different kind of farming conference.

Over the years, the conference has attracted many well-known speakers from the UK and further afield. These have included the then UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier De Schutter; US activist and farmer, Leah Penniman; co-founder of Le Ferme du Bec Hellouin, Perrine Herve-Gruyer; pioneering organic farmer Eliot Coleman; regenerative agriculture expert, Richard Perkins; and journalist and author, George Monbiot. These keynotes sit alongside hands-on workshops which address practical subjects such as agroforestry, heritage wheat or silvopasture, as well as social and networking events.

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