SFCOLAB International Wednesdays is a brainstorming space to share ideas with the entities involved in the agro-technology sector.
- Understanding the present and future global perspective along with the challenges of Smart Farming;
- Discussing Farm-to-Fork challenges and promote market-potential innovations to foster the agro-tech added value;
- Fostering the Consortium promotion for funding opportunities;
- Promoting international synergies and connecting agri-tech players for collaboration opportunities
SFCOLAB´s International Wednesday is a sessional event, organized by SFCOLAB and UNINOVA, bringing together guest speakers, a space for new Smart Farming challenges, and global funding opportunities discussions. This event will be held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, however hope that soon we can host participants in Torres Vedras, Portugal.
The Fourth SFCOLAB International Wednesday´s Meeting will be held virtually through the zoom platform on November 24th, 2021, at 15:00-17:00 PM(CET). The main theme of this meeting is “Smart Farming a Luxury or a Must – Technology Providers Perspective”.